Pharmacology Exams

The neurotransmitter release at voluntary nerve endings is


The neurotransmitter released at the preganglionic sympathetic nerve ending is


Which type of drug is used topically to dilate the pupil during an eye exam

Alpha agonist

Drugs that have urinary urgency as a common side effect most specifically contain

Muscarinic Agonist

At times of stress, which of the following occur within the body

Glycogen is broken down and glucose is mobilized

A patient has been given a medication which stimulates bladder contractions to increase urination. What type of receptors have been stimulated


Where do the efferent pathways of the parasympathetic division originate from as they leave the CNS

Cranial and sacral regions

In the peripheral nervous system, which portions send nerve fibers to smooth muscle

Sympathetic, parasympathetic but not voluntary

Which of the following kinds of drugs might be used to delay absorption of a local anesthetic

Alpha agonist

Which receptor when inhibited slows heart rate and decreases force of contraction

Beta 1

Useful in treating postoperative urinary retention

Muscarinic agonist

A possible side effect of adrengeric blocking agents is

Asthmatic wheezing

With a cholinergic drug, sweating is considered a

Side effect

A beta blocking agent can be useful in treating or preventing

Anginal pain

Atropine, an anticholingeric drug, may be used to

treat glaucoma

A muscarinic drug is one that has ___ effect


Coumarin derivatives are


A cardiac glycoside is often indicated for a patient with congestive heart failure because it has the effect of increasing the force of contraction and decreasing the rate of contraction. This class of drug is said to have a ___ effect

positive inotropic & negative chronomtropic

An antiarrythmic agent that is used for ventricular arrhythmias in emergency situations because it has a rapid onset and a short duration of action and does not have an anticholinergic effect is


The antihypertensive agents that shows an increased efficacy for African America patients is

Calcium channel blockers and diurectics

Which antilipemic agent inhibits the enzyme necessary for cholesterol synthesis


Atrial flutter is

Treated with a cardiac glycoside or an antiarrythmic agent since both are effective

When there is a mismatch in oxygen supply and demand a patient may present with chest pain. To address the chest pain, a drug that relaxes smooth muscle, decreasing blood pressure and ultimately decreases the work of the heart would be prescribed. What cl


In a patient with complete heart block, ventricular rate

is decreased over its former rate

a major side effect of cardiac glycosides is

Ventricular tachycardia

What class of drug is indicated for the control of blood pressure because it acts by inhibiting vasoconstriction and decreases fluid retention

ACE inhibitor

According to the continuum chart anxiety is a sign of

CNS stimulation

Parkinson's may be treated with

Anticholinergic drugs

A drug that induces a loss of consciousness

General Anesthetic

Which of the following non-narcotic analgesic agents has the potential to cause irreversible liver damage with even a single dose

aniline derivatives (tylenol)

All antipsychotic agents block the effects of


___ refers to a state where a patient must continue to increase the dose of the drug in order to achieve the desired effect


A child taking methylphinidate may experience

Suppression of growth, weight loss, malnutrition, increased heart rate and /or cardiac arrhythmias

Antiepileptic and anticonvulsant drugs

Some are general depressants

What class of antidepressant agents are indicated for severe depression


A common therapeutic use for benzodiazepines is

The treatment of anxiety disorders

A patient having a severe allergic reaction to an ingested food ____ would be the best treatment


Compare side effects of sympathomimetics and xanthines

Symp - may cause hypertension; Xan may cause hypotension

Specialized types of antihistamines may be used as


Oxygen should be used with caution in some patients because

CO2 intoxication might occur

Expectorants are

recommended for use in patients with bronchiectasis

Which types of gastrointestinal drug is most likely to be prescribed for chronic uses in a patient with heart failure


Which of the following agents can be used to treat heartburn


In a case of the common cold, the nasal decongestant of choice is an

adrenergic agent

In cases of coughing that continues for weeks to months

Antitussives are often not the drug of choice

a prophylactic treatment for exercise induced asthma is

mast cell stabilizers

A patient with a wart will be prescribed this class of drug to soften the scale and lossen the outer layers of skin


Which type of anti-infective agent is a protein systhesis inhibitor with a spectrum similar to penicillin and therefore can be used in patients allergic to penicillin as a substitute


A patient with acne with an abundance of blackheads should be prescribed


The drug of choice to treat wide angle glaucoma is a ____ because it decreases the formation of aqueous humor but does not interfere with night vision

Beta blocker

You are treating a young woman for acne with systemic tetracyline for 3 months. She comes back because she has developed a yeast infection (this is an example of a)

Super Infection

Which of the following is a cell wall synthesis inhibitor that is resistant to penicillinase and may be effective against Klebsiella Infections


A mother brings her young son with 100.3 fever, runny nose, cough. What is most appropriate treatment

Explain it is viral infection, no antibiotics will help call if conditions get worse

What type of drug is a cell wall synthesis inhibitor but is highly toxic and should be reserved for resistant hospital based infections


Which type of drug has side effect of blurring distance vision; especially at night

Cholinergic drugs

An agent that has the ability to kill bacteria independent of the immune system


You want to extend the duration of action of an alkaline drug and decrease its elimination from the kidneys. Would you attempt to make the renal tubular fluid more acidic or alkaline

Alkaline; because when the pH is the same there is less ionization and more absorption

Non-competitive antagonist

Binds to a site different from the agonist changing the receptor site; not allowing the agonist to bind

Competitive antagonist

Binds to the same receptor site but can be removed allowing agonist to bind; also the agonist and competitive agonist can be given together to reduce the effect

Compare therapeutic effect and side effect

Therapeutic effect is the effect for which the drug is give; while a side effect is an effect which is not an intended effect for the condition

Name 3 factors that influence the rate of drug passage through a membrane

1 size and shape of the molecule 2 lipid solubility 3 ionization

Bother preganglionic and postganglionic neurons are found in the

involuntary portion of the nervous system

Stimulation of the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system tends to cause gastrointestinal walls to


The neurotransmitter released at skeletal muscle is


Pharmacologic action at muscarinic receptors is terminated chiefly by


Stimulation causes a consistent vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels


Stimulation may affect skeletal muscle


Inhibition slows heart rate and force of contraction

Beta 1

Which of the following would be most useful in reversing the symptoms of an allergic reaction

Alpha and beta agonist

Pressure driven movement of nutrients from the glomerulus to Bowman's Capsule is the process of


Thizaides MOA

Inhibits Bicarbonate Ion Reabsorption at Proximal Convoluted Tubule and chloride ion reabsorption at ascending loop of Henle; Vasodilates

Furosemide MOA

Powerful inhibition of chloride ion reabsorption from ascending loop of Henle, Vasodilates

Ethacrynic Acid MOA

Inhibits sodium ion reabsorption from proximal convoluted tubule and inhibits chloride ion reasorption from ascending loop of Henle

Spironolactone MOA

Inhibits aldosterone at the descending convoluted tubule,: decreases potassium secretion

Triamterene MOA

Decreases potassium secretion by antagonizing aldosterone receptors

The mechanism of action for majority of diuretics used therapeutically is

To directly or indirectly inhibit ion reabsorption

To correct systemic acidosis the kidney

Increases HCO3- reabsorption and H+ secretion; reabsorbs more bicarbonate ion (instead of chloride ion) in the proximal tubule; actively secretes more H+ instead of K+ in the distal tubule - takes two days to reach maximum effect

To correct system alkalosis the kidney

Eliminates excess bicarbonate ion by reabsorbing less bicarbonate and more chloride; helps retain needed H+ by secreting less H+ and more K+

When sodium ion reabsorption increases at the distal tubule

More potassium and hydrogen ions are secreted

Congestive heart failure ___ cause edema and therefore a diuretic is ___

Can; Indicated


Are the most commonly prescribed drug for type 2 diabetes. It decreases hepatic glucose production, while decreasing glucose absorption from the intestines and increase glucose uptake in the muscles

The first step in the body's primary response to invasion is the

engulfing of antigens by macrophages


are the most frequently prescribed drugs for osteoporosis because they prevent annual bone loss and may actually increase bone deposition

Oral hypoglycemic agents are the treatment of choice for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics


Treatment with a vaccine helps a patient develop

Acquired active immunity

Selective Estrogen Modulators (Serms) were discussed primarily to treat


Which of the following increases protein breakdown


Which of the following is not a side effect of birth control pills

Colon Cancer; Fatigue

An injection of Rho-Gam in a pregnant women is an example of

Acquired passive immunity

What type of adrenocorticosteroid regulates the sodium and water balance in the body
