Chapter 5

Adverse drug event

Any undesirable occurrence related to administration of or failure to administer a prescribed medication. (p. 65)

Adverse drug reactions

Unexpected, unintended, or excessive responses to medications given at therapeutic dosages (as opposed to overdose); one type of adverse drug event. (p. 65)

Allergic reaction

An immunologic reaction resulting from an unusual sensitivity of a patient to a particular medication; a type of adverse drug event and a subtype of adverse drug reactions. (p. 65)

Idiosyncratic reaction

Any abnormal and unexpected response to a medication, other than an allergic reaction, that is peculiar to an individual patient. (p. 65)

Medical errors

A broad term used to refer to any errors at any point in patient care that cause or have the potential to cause patient harm. (p. 65)

Medication errors

Any preventable adverse drug events involving inappropriate medication use by a patient or health care professional; they mayor may not cause the patient harm. (p.65)

Medication reconciliation

A procedure implemented by health care providers to maintain an accurate and up-to date list of medications for all patients between all phases of health care delivery. (p. 70)