Pharm Exam 3 - Workbook Questions

When administering vasopressin, which is the priority vital sign for the nurse to monitor?

Blood pressure

A nurse is administering octreotide (Sandostatin) to a patient who has a metastatic carcinoid tumor. The patient asks about the purpose of this drug. What is the nurse's best response?

This drug helps to control the flushing and diarrhea that you are experiencing

Which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a patient who is receiving a pituitary drug?

Disturbed body image

The nurse will instruct a patient taking desmopressin acetate as a nasal spray for the treatment of diabetes insipidus to perform which action to obtain maximum benefit from the drug?

Administer the nasal spray at the same time every day

During vasopressin therapy, which is the priority nursing action?

Monitor the IV site for signs of infiltration

When assessing a patient who is receiving octreotide (Sandostatin) therapy, the nurse should monitor which assessment finding?

Blood glucose levels

A patient who is beginning therapy with levothyroxine (Synthroid) asks the nurse when the medication will start working. What is the nurse's best answer?

Within a few weeks

A patient wants to switch brands to levothyroxine (Synthroid). What is the nurse's best response?

You should check with your physician before switching brands

Patient teaching for a patient taking antithyroid medication should include the need to avoid which foods?

Soy products and seafood

Which information should be included in the nurse's teaching of patients taking thyroid medications? (Select all that apply)
a. Keeping a log or journal of individual responses and a graph of pulse rate, weight, and mood would be helpful
b. The medication

A, C, D,
a. Keeping a log or journal of individual responses and a graph of pulse rate, weight, and mood would be helpful
c. The medication should be taken at the same time everyday
d. Nervousness, irritability, and insomnia may be a result of a dosage th

A patient is scheduled for a radioactive isotope study. Upon review of his medicatons, the scheduling nurse notes that he takes levothyroixine (Levothroid) daily. Which statement is correct regarding the use of this medication before a radioactive isotope

The patient should stop the medication about 4 weeks before the test

When administering insulin, the nurse must keep in mind that which is the most immediate and serious adverse effect of insulin therapy?


A dose of long-acting insulin has been ordered for bedtime for a diabetic patient. The nurse expects to give which type of insulin?


A patient is to be placed on an insulin drip to control his high blood glucose levels. The nurse knows that which is the only type of insulin that can be given intravenously?


While monitoring a patient who is receiving insulin therapy, the nurse observes for which signs of hypoglycemia?

Irritability, sweating, and confusion

When giving oral acarbose (Precose), the nurse should administer it at what time?

With the first bite of a meal

A patient taking rosiglitazone (Avandia) tells the nurse, "There's my insulin pill!" Which information will the nurse provide to the patient regarding the mechanism of action of rosiglitazone?

It decreases insulin resistance

The nurse is reviewing the history of a patient who will be taking the amylin mimetic drug pramlintide (Symlin). Which condition is a contraindication to the use of this drug?


A 50-year-old man has been taking prednisone (Deltasone) following a severe reaction to poison ivy. He notices that the dosage of the medication decreases. During a follow up visit, he asks the nurse why he must continue taking the medication and why he c

Sudden discontinuation of this medication may result in adrenal insufficiency

Which medication is the preferred oral glucocorticoid for antiinflammatory or immunosuppressant purposes?

prednisone (Deltasone)

When monitoring a patient who is taking corticosteriods, the nurse observes for which adverse effects? (Select all that apply)
a. Fragile skin
b. Increased glucose levels
c. Nervousness
d. Hypotension
e. Weight loss
f. Drowsiness

a, b, c
a. Fragile skin
b. Increased glucose levels
c. Nervousness

A patient has Cushing's syndrome. The nurse expects which drug to be used to inhibit the function of the adrenal cortex in the treatment of this syndrome?

b. aminoglutethimide (Cytadren)

A patent who has been taking corticosteriods has developed a "moon face" and facial redness, and has many bruises on her arms. Which is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis?

Disturbed body image

Because corticosteriods may cause sodium retention, the nurse should closely monitor patients with which condition when administering corticosteriods?

Heart failure

When reviewing the health history of a patient who wants to begin taking oral contraceptives, the nurse recalls that which conditions are contraindications to this drug therapy? (Select all that apply)
a. Multiple sclerosis
b. Pregnancy
c. Thrombophlebiti

b, c, e
b. Pregnacy
c. Thrombophlebitic disorders
e. Abnormal vaginal bleeding

When the nurse is teaching patients about postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy, which statement is correct?

The smallest dose that is effective will be prescribed

When combination oral contraceptives are given to provide postcoital emergency contraception, the nurse should remember which fact?

They are not effective if the woman is already pregnant

When reviewing an order for dinoprostone cervical gel (Prepidil), the nurse recalls that this drug is used for which purpose?

To improve cervical inducibility ("ripening") near term for labor induction

A pregnant woman is experiencing contractions. The nurse remembers that drugs such as terbutaline are used to prevent contractions during which timeframe?

Between the 20th and 37th weeks

What patient teaching is appropriate for a patient taking alendronate (Fosamax)? (Select all that apply)
a. Take on an empty stomach
b. Take at night just before going to bed
c. Take with an 8 oz. glass of water
d. Take with a sip of water
e. Take first t

c, e, f
c. Take with an 8 oz. glass of water
e. Take first thing in the morning upon arising
f. Do not lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking

A 19-year-old college football player asks his friend's mother, who is a nurse, about taking steroids to help him "beef up" his muscles. Which statement is true?

Long-term use may cause a life-threatening liver condition

In which situations would androgens be prescribed for a woman? (Select all that apply)
a. Development of secondary sex characteristics
b. Fibrocystic breast tissue
c. Ovarian cancer
d. Treatment of endometriosis
e. Postmenopausal osteoporosis prevention

b, d, f
b. Fibrocystic breast tissue
d. Treatment of endometriosis
e. Metastatic breast cancer

A patient will be receiving testosterone therapy for a male hypogonadism and has a new prescription for transdermal testosterone (Testoderm). The nurse needs to include which teaching about the use of this medication?

The patch should be applied only to the scrotum

Before a patient begins therapy with finasteride (Proscar), the nurse should make sure that which laboratory test has been preformed?

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level

A patient taking finasteride (Proscar) for a treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. His wife, who is 3 months pregnant, is worried about the adverse effects that may occur with this drug. Which statement by the nurse is the most important at this time

This medication should not be handled by pregnant women because it may harm the featus

A male patient wants to know if there are any drugs that can be used for baldness. The nurse knows that which drug, in low doses, is used for androgenetic alopecia in men?

finasteride (Propecia)