TBI Final

A goal for an adult with TBI...

achieve highest level of independent function for participation in daily living, consistent with the ICF framework, capitalize on the strengths and address the weaknesses and modify the barriers to learning.

What is a bottom up approach treatment and what does it focus on

training basic skills to build up to more complex processing

Cognitive communicative treatment??

Visual imagery??

Who is on the rehab team?

Different forms of rehab, psychological services, case managers, group treatments. Can be in a home setting, acute hospital, a rehab hospital or outpatient.

What aspect of therapy provides individuals & group based therapy?

Format: the structure of treatment session
Provider: refers to the person offering treatment
Dosage: frequency and intensity
Setting:refers to location of treatment

What is involved in a holistic comprehensive treatment program for an individual with TBI

Includes individual and group therapies, psychotherapy and family therapy; stress of metacognitive and emotional regulation; facilitation skill transfer and generalization

What is a barotrauma

physical damage to tissue caused by a difference in pressure. This is considered primary blast incident, which is a result of rapid changes in atmospheric pressure that is created by the blast wave.

What aspect of cognition is often left untested in blast injuries

High level auditory comprehension abilities & auditory processing. This includes figurative language, ambiguity, inference, complex syntactic sentence comprehension

WHat is the purpose of phonological store in WM model

hold speech based information

What is an example of a selective attention task?

Have music playing while reading a paragraph

What type of speech deficits are seen in pdiatric TBI

apraxia of speech, aprosodia (marked by deficits in intonation, pitch, stress and rate), dysarthria (characterized by articulatory imprecision/vowel distortions), hyper nasality.

What are the important assessment risks for kids with TBI


What is the diagnosis of dementria according to American Psych. Association

Evidence of impairment (STM & LTM); impairment of abstract thinking, impairment of judgement, disturbance of higher cortical functions (aphasia, apraxia or agnosia)

An example of irreversible dementia?

DAT, MID, Pick's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Wilson's Disease, SNP, C-J Disease, Korsakoff's Syndrome

Younger children with Tbi have less deficitis than teens with TBI


Effects of cog slowing in elderly focus on memory and language

true (processing and language)

Neurotransmitter dopamine helps to enhance smooth muscle movement


Presbycusis is 4th most chronic health condition In individuals over the age of 65


Disequilibrium is an issue of the outer ear


Compromised dentition is an issue for speech and swallowing


Diagnosis of dementia means the same as alzheimer's disease


How does pediatric TBI differ from adult assessment & treatment?

For pediatric TBI, you must test language, literacy, etc. treatment is restorative and family based and habitabilive.