Fiction Text

Text that is made up

Non-fiction Text

Text that is Real.


A particular type or category of literature or art


The act of explaining something : clear explanation


The surroundings or environment of anything


The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.


To come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition


The leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work.


The adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work.


A person who gives an account or tells the story of events, experiences, etc.

Rising Action

A related series of incidents in a literary plot that build toward the point of greatest interest.


A decisive moment that is of maximum intensity or is a major turning point in a plot.

Falling Action

The part of a literary plot that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved.


The act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.


The subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.


Be a warning or indication of (a future event).

Author's Tone

The author's attitude toward the topic.

Author's Style

The literary element that describes the ways that the author uses words or use of figurative language.

Author's Point of View

When the author decides how to write; (1st Person- I, Me, My.) (2nd Person- You, Yours.) (3rd person- He, She It, and They.)


The concept of creating characters for a narrative.

Direct Characterization

The process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed by the use of descriptive adjectives, phrases, or epithets. D

Indirect Characterization

The process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed through the character's speech, actions, appearance, etc. I