persuasive appeals

what is the basic definition for ethos

ethics, expertise, credibility

what is the basic definition for logos

logic, reasoning

what is the basic definition for pathos

passion, emotion

ethos in depth

-appeal based on the character, or ethics, of the speaker and audience
-to appeal ethically
*make audience believe you are trustworthy; and expert on the subject
*demonstrate that you put in research time
*restrained, sincere, fair-minded presentation
*emphasis on ethical notions of right and wrong

ethos examples

-"albert einstein trying to convince you that his opinions about physics are reliable and worthwhile"
-"hilary clinton speaking at a democratic fundraiser" (would her ethos be different if she was addressing staunch republicans)
-"tiger woods has a strong ethos when speaking about golf, but what about marriage and family values

logos in depth

-appeal based on logic or reason
-to appeal logically
*provide evidence
*use facts
*allude, or refer, to history
*use reasoning
*give definitions
***documents distributed by companies or corporations are logos-driven

logos examples


pathos in depth

-appeal based on emotion (passion)
-to appeal emotionally
*use imagery, descriptive language
*use figurative language
*include a bias.prejudice
*emotional tone
*use personal anecdote
***advertisements tend to be pathos-driven

pathos examples