Reading, English Language Arts Study Guide Indiana Pearson

Reading Theaters

Help promote students' reading fluency and comprehension. Also helps to promote confidence and reading skills in students.

Re-reading short stories

What helps students with fluency development and comprehension?


________________ during a speech to help emphasize a key word.

Before & After

Pause immediately ___________ & __________ a transitional word or a key word.

Think Alouds

When teachers verbalize aloud while reading

Purpose of read alouds

Models how skilled readers construct meaning from a text


guides the development of flexible learning environments that can accommodate individual learning differences.

literature; grammar

Linear is paired with _______ while binomial is paired with ________

Scope & Sequence

logical order. A list of ideas, concepts, and topics that will be covered in lesson plans assigned within a curriculum


system of sounds


smallest spoken sound

pronouncing the first sound heard in the spoken word "happy

A student who has recently developed phonemic awareness would be most likely to perform?

phonology ise-eyes-ize

A student who can rhyme words of the same sound has mastered what?

Understand that the letters g & o in go represent the 2 sounds

A beginning reader would most likely use knowledge of phonics to?


A student who uses appropriate dramatic expression understands what?

Reading fluency

A students' reading accuracy & rate are most effectively used to measure the students' ongoing development of what?

Student can effectively deepen their understanding of vocabulary by repeatedly encountering the same words in a variety of texts.

How does wide reading influence vocabulary development?

Lack of relevant background knowledge

A student with strong language and foundational reading skills struggle to comprehend some content-area texts. What factor is affecting him?

Identify key concepts presented in a textbook chapter.

Previewing would be an effective strategy fora student to?


_____________ is looking at a chapter heading, subheading, intro paragraphs . . . students can also do this to access prior knowledge.

graphic elements & captions. Speculate about their relationship to chapter subtitles

When reading across the curriculum, you should always look at what?


Pacing work of a drama?

Working people

The Victorian Era is characterized by what?


What is the improvement of bad behavior through irony?

Jane Austen, Blake, Dickens

Who are some authors of the Victorian Era?

An ode

Lyrical poetry is referred to as?


19 lines of poetry is referred to as?


14 lines of poetry is referred to as (in Shakespeare)


A "dancing song" in poetry is referred to as?

Blank Verse

A poem without rhyme from western literature tradition is referred to as?


In poetry, the metrical "feet" with 2 syllables is known as?


The exaggerated statements not taken to be literally in poetry?

Iambic pentameter

In poetry, what style does not rhyme? Shakespeare wrote in this style.


The arrangement of words and phrases to create well informed sentences in a language.

Analytical Reasoning

Systematic and logical. The process of breaking down problems into smaller bits to find a solution.

Parallelism (Grammar)

examples of this grammar aspect include:
like father, like son
she is sneaky and manipulative
you need to work quickly and quietly

Expository essay

An essay that is used to expose or explain something. Requires a student to evaluate evidence, expound the idea and set forth an argument in a clear and concise manner.


The study of forms of words


repeated sounds of the first consonant in a series of multiple words.


The process of dividing words into syllables


Fitting a specific content purpose or audience


The way an author communicates a feeling


5 senses are used to portray this. Figurative language is used as well.

Directed Reading Activity (DR-TA)

This activity is most effective when students have background knowledge and strong word analysis skills. Comprehension activity that guides students in asking questions about a text and then reading the text to confirm their predictions or refute.


Teachers read a section aloud while describing things they're doing while reading.

Reciprocal Teaching- based on Vygotsky

Where the student becomes the teacher in small group sessions. FIRST teachers model, then students learn to guide group discussions.


Consists of multiple index cards telling and exact plot/story. - great for visual learners.

Evaluate students proficiency of meeting academic standards for the entire couse

What is the primary purpose of the ECA?

Students' achievement according to standards

What does ISTEP measure?


Reading words without any noticeable cognitive or mental effort.


rate at which a reader reads


reading without mistakes

Anecdotal records

account of an event very detailed or brief

running record

patterns in students reading over time

critical listening

evaluates a speakers credibility and accuracy of a speakers message

Identify the presenter's main idea and supporting details.

What strategy would most effectively enhance a students ability to listen to a speaker?

practicing the speech multiple times in front of a crowd

What can help a students manage speech anxiety?

Some types of poetry (beat poetry)

Sound, beat, and rhythm are important in - ?

Plan to use camera angles for individual shots.

What is important to note when creating a storyboard about a local historical event?

Character maps

What are used to describe a character's personality, actions, behavior, motives, etc?

Model for students how to use the strategy SRSD (Self-Regulated Strategy Development)

Teachers should introduce a new step to students by providing relevant background knowledge, then?

Structured listening activities (SLA)

What activity is used to give students a purpose for listening? (ex. having students identify main points of an argument)

Media Literacy

This is used to understand the impact of media messages. Ability to understand how specific audiences view and interpret media.

SRSD (Self Regulated Strategy Development)

The steps to this method include:
1. Teacher provides students with background information they need to use the strategy
2. Teacher describes the strategy to students and discusses the purpose and benefits
3. Teacher models the strategy to students and how to use it
4. Mnemonic devices and scaffolding are included in the instruction