Ch 16 Analysis of Qualitative Data

Category Scheme

Data is converted to smaller, more manageable units that can be retrieved + reviewed -- data is coded according to the categories
Researchers whose aims are primarily descriptive tend to use categories that are fairly concrete
In developing a category sch

Coding Qualitative Data

After a category scheme has been developed, the data are read in their entirety + coded for correspondence to the categories -- researchers may have difficulty deciding the most appropriate code bc it may take several readings to grasp the material's nuan

Conceptual Files

Involves creating a physical file for each category, & then cutting out + inserting all of the materials relating to that category into the file -- researchers can then retrieve all of the content on a particular topic b reviewing the applicable file fold

Data Management

Is reductionist in nature -- it involves converting large masses of data into smaller, more manageable segments

Qualitative Data Analysis

Is constructionist -- it is an inductive process that involves putting segments together into meaningful conceptual patterns

A General Analytic Overview

The analysis usually begins with a search for broad categories/themes
is an abstract entity that brings meaning + identity to a current exp. & its variant manifestations; as such, a theme captures + unifies the nature or basis of the exp. into a m

Qualitative Content Analysis

Involves analyzing the content of narrative data to identify prominent themes + patterns among the themes
Involves breaking down the data into smaller
, coding + naming the unit according to the content they represent, & grouping coded materials bas

Ethnographic Analysis

Analysis begins the moment ethnographers set foot in the field -- they are continuously looking for
in the behavior + thoughts of participants & comparing them
Maps, flowcharts, & organizational charts are useful tools
Matrices (2D displays) can

Phenomenological Analysis

3 methods:
1) Colaizzi - calls for a validation of results by querying study participants
2) Giorgi - it is inappropriate either to return to participants to validate findings or to use external judges to review the analysis
3) Van Kaam - intersubjective

Grounded Theory Analysis

3 analytic approaches: Glaser, Strauss, & Charmaz

Glaser & Strauss' Grounded Theory Model

Grounded theory in all 3 systems uses
constant comparison
- a method that involves comparing elements present in 1 data source (ex: 1 interview) with those in another; the process continues until the concept of all sources has been comparison so that comm

Strauss & Corbin's Approach

Research itself is only 1 of 4 possible sources of a research problem -- research problems can come from the literature or a researcher's personal + professional exp.
Involves 3 diff. types of coding: open, axial, & selective
Open coding
- data are broken

Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach

The coding generates the bones of your analysis; theoretical integration will assemble these bones into a working skeleton
Guidelines for diff. types of coding: word-by-word coding, line-by-line coding, & incident-to-incident coding
Researchers construct

Critiquing Qualitative Analysis

Assess whether researchers exercised good judgment + critical insight in coding the narrative materials, developing a thematic analysis, & integrating materials into a meaningful whole
Major focus: whether the researchers have adequately documented the an