c++ chapters 5-7

++ --

operators that add and subtract one from their operands

prefix increment

increments value of operand then used value in context

what are the two parts of a while loop?

Expression and block

Pre-test loop

what kind of test is a while loop?

place a semi colon after the test expression

how to make a while loop a null statement?


statements in a while loop may ___ be executed

at least once

statements in a do while loop may be executed ___

initialization, test, and update

what are the three expressions of a for loop


only executed once in a for loop

post test loop

what kind of test is a do while loop?

continue statement

used to stop a loops current iteration and begin the next one


increase value by one


decrease value by one

prefix mode

when increment operator precedes its operand


control structure that causes a statement or group of statements to repeat

something to make it false

what must you include in a while loop so that it doesnt become an infinite loop


variable that is incremented or decremented each time a loop iterates


special value that marks the end of a list of values

when you know how many time you want to iterate

when is a for loop a good choice


causes a loop to terminate early


to allow file access in a program you must include this file header

file buffer

a small holding section of memory that file bound information is written to

stream insertion operator

used to write into a file


to write data to a file you must define an object with this data type


to read data from a file you must define an object with this data type

outfile<< number

writes teh contents of number to the file


closes a file


what must a file be before data can be written to or read from it


can hold multiple variables


individual values contained in arrays

int array[10];

valid array definition

int grades[] = [100,90..];

implicit array sizing

by using same subscript

how can you build relationships between data stored in two or more arrays


__ of an array stores memory address of the first array element

several identical arrays put together

a two dimensional array is like....

rows and columns

a two dimensional array can be viewed as...

data type

arrays values must be ______ to be stored

constant integer expression

an arrays size declarator must be a ______ with a value greater than zero


subscript numbering begins with ___

initialized, declared

arrays may be ___ at the time they are ___

for loop

an array can easily be stepped through by using a...

range variable

the range-based for loop is designed to work with a built in variable known as...


to assign the contents of one array to another you must use a...

name of an array

you pass the ____ to pass it as an argument to a function


a two dimensional array can have elements of ___ data type

same length, different length, and uninitialized elements

a two dimensional array of characters can contain strings of :

an initialization list

can be used to specify the starting values of an array

null terminator

is automatically appended to a character array when it is iitialized with a string constant


an array with no element is ___ in c++


it is ___ to pass an argument to a function that contains an individual array element

vector < int > v;

correctly defines a vector

vector < int > n {10, 20}

correctly inititalizes a vector of ints named n with values 10 & 20

vector < int > v(10);

creates a vector object with a starting size of 10

vector < int > v (10,2);

creates a vector object with a starting size of 10 and initializes all values to 2


inserts item into a vector


returns the number of elements in a vector


removes an item from a vector


returns true if vector has no elements


amount of memory used by an array depends on data type and number of elements in array


an array inittialized list must be placed on one single line


when you pass an array to a function the function can modify the contents of the array


you cannot use a range-based loop to modify the contents of an array unless you declare the range variable as a reference


if you store data past an arrays boundaries it will issue an error


collection of statements that perform a specific task

function definition

contains the statements that make up the function

only one

a function can have many parameters but return _____ value


a function is executed when it is ___

local variable

defined inside a function and not accessible outside

static variable

persists between function calls

default arguments

passed to parameters automatically if no argument is provided in function call

reference variable

allows a function to access the parameters original argument

return statement

causing function to end


causes function to terminate immediately

function call

statement that causes a function to execute


info passed to a function


info received by a function

function prototype

eliminates the need to place a function definition before all calls to a function

global variable

declared outisde all functions


dummy function


a parameter is a special variable declared inside ()


a functions return data type must be the same as the fucntion prototype


when a function is called flow control moves to a function prototyep