Chapter 18 research

The purpose of qualitative data analysis is to

bring order to the data

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of qualitative data?

Concise and succinct

The purpose of qualitative data interpretation is to

make sense of what the data mean.

Which of the following is a characteristic of qualitative data analysis

No single way to gain understanding of phenomena, Reality is described with language that potentially has different semantic meaning for the researcher and participants and data is analyzed during and after data collection

Which of the following best describes the process of qualitative data analysis?

It is an ongoing, inductive, cyclic process integrated into phases of the research process.

The logic of qualitative data analysis is described as

inductive, Qualitative data analysis starts with small pieces of information from which the researcher inductively reasons general themes.

The first step in qualitative data analysis is

managing the data.

Which of the following steps begins the analysis of qualitative data?

Data management

Which of the following involves getting an initial sense of the data by considering field notes, transcripts, or observed comments?

Reading and memoing

Why is describing the context equally as important an aspect of qualitative data analysis as describing the participants?

Participants' behavior cannot be separated from the context in which it occurs.

Which of the following best differentiates data analysis from interpretation?

Interpretation requires more conceptual and integrative thinking than data analysis.

Which of the following strategies would you recommend to Dr. LeBlanc to analyze her data provided her research has been guided by a model of classroom assessment espoused by Haydel and Thomas?

Identifying themes

Coding qualitative data involves

Reducing data to a managable form, attaching working labels to blocks of text, and cutting and pasting data to index cards to increase your ability to organize it in alternative ways.

Which of the following is an advantage of a computerized analysis of data?

A computerized analysis facilitates the analysis of large amounts of data

Which of the following best differentiates data analysis from interpretation??? p2

Interpretation requires more conceptual and integrative thinking than data analysis.

Which of the following describes the nature of qualitative data interpretation?

Reflection, integrative, explanatory

Which of the following is NOT a strategy that can guide data interpretation?

Pay attention to your preconceived notions of the meaning of the data as it reflects a "grounded" perspective.

Each of these strategies reflects sound analysis and interpretive techniques.

Prolonged field engagement, triangulation, negative case analysis

Which of the following would you recommend to a graduate student to ensure the quality of his research report?

Write detailed explanation of the methods used, state underlying assumptions, acknowledge the limitations of generalizability

Coding data begins with getting a sense of the whole and labeling parts of it in reasonable ways.

Read through all of the data and attach working labels to blocks of text.