OCR Computing GCE Unit 2_1_1

What information has been abstracted in this diagram?

Distance betweeen components, component size, what the components look like

What is meant by abstraction?

Removal on unnecessary details

What is meant by data abstraction?

The details of how the data is actually being stored is hidden

Give some examples of abtracted data types

queue, stack, binary tree, linked list, record

In a graph, what are the lines connecting nodes known as?


In a graph edges connect to what?


What types of data have been abstracted from this map?

Distances between stops, geographical features, buildings...

What is meant by problem abstraction?

Remove the constraints until the problem is easier to solve, eventually it will already have been solved before

What is functional abstraction?

hiding particular computational methods from the reat of the solution

A taxi driver has been asked to travel from point A, in London, to point B, what type of data could the taxi driver abstract?

Weather conditions, geographical features (hills), number of people in the taxi

What is computational thinking

Reasoning how a computer might solve a problem

When creating a racing car simulation, what kind of information could be abstracted?

Number of spectators, other racing cars, fuel capacity

Why reuse program components

pre-tested therefore error free, saves programming time

What is meant by a precondition?

A requirement that must be true for the code to run

What are some of the reasons to introduce preconditions?

To be able to validate inputs before code runs, to ensure that paramaters contain valid data, to inform programmers what data is expected by a routine, helps reusablility

What is meant by caching?

Storing data, so that furture requests for that data are faster e.g. data from a webpage

Why cache data?

Because data is saved, it speeds up processing

What are the advantages of caching?

Speeds up processing, reduces requests for data from secondary storage

How does RAM use caching?

The OS can retrieve the next set of instructions and cache them, in anticipation of their use

Which type of RAM is used when caching instructions? (Static or dynamic)

Static - doesn't need to be refreshed

Why not use cache all of the time?

Because the data/instructions may have changed, can take up unecessary room - on hard drive or RAM, can be slower if cached resource is not found

Can you name reusable program components?

Subrouines: procedures, functions or libraries

When creating a football game on a computer, what kind of information could be abstracted?

Weather conditions, spectator size, stadium capacity, names of players