496 review


to do good

Belmont Report


Informed consent

Respondents are volunteers, they have a right to be informed regarding what

Fail to reject

Goal of a goodness of fit test is to what the null hypothesis?

If cross

If the row percents don't work to describe the cross that, more than expected used to explain

Crosstabukations and ... data



Kolmo and ...data

The mean and .,.. data


The two variables in the crosstab are independent

Null hypothesis for crosstab

This subtraction gives an indication of whether the variable in the rows is rooted to the variable in the columns

O-e aka residual

An example of what is included under the principle of justice

Fairness and distribution (who is included in research)

Less than 20% of the cells should have expected frequencies less than 5

Requirement for a crosstab

Individual who started discussion on ethics

Henry Beecher

When dummy variables are used in a regressing the stat sig of a dummy variables indivistes difference between the variable and

Base case

Standard error

Mean +/- st dev*z


Degrees of freedom

Reject the null in this situation

If p is less than 0.05 OR calculated larger than critical value

The median and what type of data?

Ordinal data

Decide the cell count by the total count for that row

Row percent

Nominal or ordinal bars are allows as independent variables in regression variable

Dummy variable

There are no assumptions about the form of the relationship when using this method of analysis


If researcher forgets to click the cell button in spss and select some options the crosstab will just have this one value in each cell


There are insignificant differences between the sample and the population

Null hypothesis for a goodness of fit test

y = B0 + B1x

Equation for a line

Calculating response rate

Completed interviews/total number of contacts

n = z2/D2 * s2

Sample size of mean