Database Design - Quiz 4


an action or series of actions carried out by a single user or application program that reads or updates the contents of the database. Treated as a logical unit of work.

inconsistent state

data is inconsistent, occurs when referential integrity is lost

committed transaction

a transaction which has been successfully completed

aborted transaction

a transaction that is not successfully completed. in this case, the system must go back to the state it was in before the transaction began

concurrency control

the process of managing simultaneous operations on the database without having them interfere with one another

Lost update problem:

when two transactions overlap and one copies over the other

The dirty read problem:

when one transaction reads data before the other is finished. The data is "dirty", and results are wrong because of this;

Inconsistent analysis problem:

multiple fields of data are read by one transaction before another transaction can finish updating them

non repeatable (fuzzy) and phantom reads

result from one transaction running multiple times, but getting a different answer

non serial schedule

a schedule where the operations from a set of concurrent transactions are interleaved


a procedure used to control concurrent access to data. when one transaction is accessing the database, a lock may deny access to other transactions to prevent incorrect results

shared lock

if a transaction has a shared lock on a data item, it can read the item but not update it

exclusive lock

if a transaction has an exclusive lock on a data item, it can both read and update the item


two-phase locking; a transaction follows the two-phase locking protocol if all locking operations precede the first unlock operation in the transaction


When two programs are waiting on one another to finish with data that they each need


a unique identifier created by the dbms that indicates the relative starting time of a transaction.


prioritizes transactions based on their timestamp (older transactions get priority)

database recovery

the process of restoring the database to a correct state in the event of a failure

Main properties of transactions

ACID (atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)


all or nothing" property, transaction is either performed in its entirety or not at all. Responsibility of the DBMS recovery system


a transaction must change the database from one consistent state to another. responsibility of DBMS (enforcing constraints) and the application developer (doing the right thing)


transactions execute independently. Responsibility of concurrency control system


the effects of a transaction are permanently recorded. responsibility of recovery system

Two possible outcomes for a transaction

Committed or aborted

T/F Committed transactions can be aborted


Compensation Transaction

Used to reverse a committed transaction

states of a transaction

active, committed, aborted, partially committed, failed

Transaction manager

coordinates transactions


module responsible for implementing a particular strategy for concurrency control

recovery manager

ensure that the database is restored to the state it was in before the transactions

buffer manager

responsible for efficient transfer of data from disk storage to main memory

three potential problems caused by concurrency

lost update problem, uncommitted dependency (dirty read) problem, inconsistent analysis problem

Serial schedule

A schedule where the operations of each transaction are executed consecutively without any interleaved operations from other transactions

T/F if the waits-for graph contains a cycle it is not conflict serializable


serializable schedule

A nonserial schedule where the result to the database is equivalent to a serial


A sequence of the operations by a set of concurrent transactions that preserves the order
of the operations in each of the individual transactions.

cascading rollback

one transaction leads to a series of rollbacks

rigorous 2PL

hold all locks until end of transaction

strict 2PL

hold all exclusive locks until end of transaction

live lock

transaction is left in WAIT indefinetly

deadlock prevention

DBMS looks ahead and determines which transactions will cause deadlock

deadlock detection and recovery

allows deadlock to occur but recognizes occurrences and breaks them

lock timeouts

a transaction tat requests a lock will only wait for a set amount of time before it aborts and restarts


The algorithm assigns each transaction a unique timestamp, that is ordered by time. If an older transaction requests a resource locked by a younger transaction then it is allowed to wait for the resource. If a younger transaction reque


Wound-wait algorithm actually allows older transactions to abort younger
transactions that have a resource they want. If a younger transaction requests a resource that is
allocated to an older transaction it is allowed to wait.

conservative 2PL

obtains all locks at beginning, waiting until they are all available


the size of the data items chosen as the unit of protecting (DB -> file -> page -> record -> field)

steal policy

allows the buffer manager yo write a buffer to disk before a transaction commits

force policy

ensures that all pages updated by a transaction are immediately written to disk when the transaction commits.

DBMS provided following facilities to assist with recovery:

back up mechanism, log file, checkpointing

NoSQL supported model types

key-value, document-oriented, graph database, columnar database

CAP Theorem

Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance

benefits of NoSQL

looser shcema definition, designed for speed and growth, lower cost, larger data sets

drawbacks of NoSQL

train staff, new companies may fail, support may be iffy


basically available, soft state, eventually consistent