Exam 70-483 Programming in C#

What is a thread?

Each application in Windows runs its own process. Each process runs its own thread. A thread is something like a virtualized CPU.

What is parallelism?

Execute multiple threads on different CPUs in parallel

What is context switching?

As a thread expires it switches to another thread. This is called context switching

Why should you be careful using multithreads?

Because of the risk of overhead.

Thread Class namespace:


What is the ThreadStatic attribute?

With the ThreadStatic attribute you can mark a field and then each thread gets its own copy of a field.

What can you do with a ParameterizedThreadStart delegate?

Pass data to the start method.

Why shouldn't you use Thread.Abort to stop a thread?

A ThreadAbortExeption is thrown on the target thread. This can potentially leave a corrupt state and make your application unusable.

What does t.Join do?

Wait for a thread to finish execution.

What's the difference between ThreadStatic and ThreadLocal<T>?

ThreadStatic doesn't automatically initialize things for every thread

What is execution context?

Information about the thread that's executing.

Has a new thread the same privileges as the parent thread?


Can you disable the behavior to copy privileges to a new thread?

Yes, by using the ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow

What is the purpose of a thread pool?

To reuse threads: Send a thread back to the threadpool where it can be reused whenever a request come in.

What is the advantage of the Thread Class in relation to a Thread Pool?

You get a better degree of parallelism because the thread pool limits the available number of threads.

What is the advantage of the Thread pool for web servers?

The Thread Pool ensures that each incoming request gets added to the queue and that when a thread becomes available, it is processed. If you do this manually you could easily bring down your server if you got a lot of requests. But if your ran out of thre

What happens with threads in the Thread Pool from beginning to the end?

First a Thread Pool is empty. As a requests come in it creates additional threads to handle those requests. If the threads are no longer in use for a time it can kill those threads for more recourses.

What is the danger of reusing threads?

If a thread is being reused then its also reuses its local state. You can not rely on state that can potentially be shared between multiple operations.

What is responsible for starting the Task and managing it?

A Task Scheduler. Default: The Task Scheduler uses threads from the thread pool to execute the task.

What is the purpose of a task?

To make your application more responsive.

What does t.Wait do?

The same as t.Join, it waits till the Task is finished before exiting.

What should you use if a Task has to return a value?


What is a continuation task?

A way to indicate that another operation must execute as soon as a Task finishes.

Task<int> t = Task.Run(() =>
return 42;
t.ContinueWith((i) =>
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnCanceled);
t.ContinueWith((i) =>
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
var completed

Configure when the continuation will run. You can add different continuation methods that will run when an exception happens.

What is a TaskFactory?

A TaskFactory is created with a certain configuration and can then be used to create tasks with that configuration.
TaskFactory tf = new TaskFactory(TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, TaskContinutionOptions, ExecuteSynchonously)
tf.Startnew (() => resu

What does WaitAll?

Wait for multiple tasks to execute before continuing execution.

What is the difference between WaitAll, WhenAll, and WaitAny?

WaitAll: wait for multiple tasks to execute before continuing execution.
WhenAll: schedule a continuation method after all Tasks have finished.
WaitAny: Wait for one task to finish.


Taking a certain task and splitting it into a set of related tasks that can execute concurrently.

Methods Parallelism:

For, Foreach & Invoke

When do you use Parallelism?

If you have a lot of work to be done that can be executed in parallel.
It can hurt performance. Measure results to know if parallelism is the best way.

How do you cancel Parallelism?

Break or Stop

Async method

An asynchronousmethod is a method that does not block the current thread of execution
With 'async' you can mark a method for asynchronous operations > Compiler responds by transforming your code into a state machine

Why is work that's input/output (I/O)-bound different then long running CPU bound tasks?

When your application is executing an I/O operation Windows notice that your thread is waiting for the I/O operation to be complete. Because of this, windows pauses your thread so that it doesn't use any CPU resources. But it still uses memory and the thr

What can you best use if you have an application that executing an I/O operation?

Asynchronous code.
It doesn't block your thread, you get back a Task object that represents the result of the async operation. Your thread stays available for other work.

How does async work?

Starts running synchronously on the current thread. Enable the method to be split into multiple pieces.


You can use this operator only inside a method marked as async. Its purpose is to release the current thread and wait for a task to complete in the background. When that task finishes, control returns to the method, which continues with the next statement


Yield helps to do custom stateful iteration over a collection. It allows each iteration in a foreach-loop be generated only when needed. In this way it can improve performance.


Returns a Task<string> to the caller

What is the difference between a CPU Bound task and an asynchronous I/O bound task?

CPU Bound tasks always use some thread to execute their work. An asynchronous I/O bound task doesn't use a thread until the I/O is finished.

Async & Await

This are markers which mark code positions from where control should resume after a task or thread completes.

Can the FileStream Class be asynchronous?

Yes, it has async methods as WriteAsync and ReadAsync that don't use a thread.


Exception in asynchronous method.


Connect application model to its threading model.
For Example: A WPF app uses single user interface thread and potentially multiple background threads. But an ASP.NET uses threads from the threadpool.


Disable the flow of the synchronizationContext

Can you use async/await on a void return type?

You can better avoid this and choose a return type of Task or Task<T>. You can use async void only when dealing with asynchronous events.

Important rule for async and await.

You should never have a method marked async without await statements. You should also avoid returning void from an async method except when it's an event handler.


Turn a sequential query in a parallel one.PLINQ is an extension to LINQ to run queries in parallel.


PLINQ: Query should always be parallel


PLINQ: Limit parallelism


PLINQ: Ensure that results are ordered


PLINQ: Stop parallelism query


PLINQ: Iterate over collection parallel


Task Parallel Library


Collection that is thread safe for adding and removing data..
- Adding data is fast.
- Removing data can be blocked.
- default: ConcurrentQueue


Threadsafe: A bag of items.
- enables duplicates
- No particular order.
- Methods: Add, TryTake & TryPeek (TryPeek :not very usefull in multithreaded environment)


Stores key value pairs in thread safe manner. Add, remove & update items.
Methods: TryUpdate, AddOrUpdate, GetOrAdd


First in, First Out collection
2 methods: Enqueue (add) & TryDequeue (remove)


Last in, First Out collection.
2 methods: Push (add) and TryPop (remove) (PushRange, TryPopRange)

IEnumerator GetEnumerator();

The GetEnumeratormethod should return an enumerator object that implements the System.Collections.IEnumeratorinterface. The enumerator object is used for stepping through (enumerating) the elements of the collection.
The IEnumeratorinterface specifies the


Think of an enumerator as a pointer pointing to elements in a list. Initially, the pointer points
beforethe first element. You call the MoveNextmethod to move the pointer down to the next (first)
item in the list; the MoveNextmethod should return trueif t

Enumerator: Current & Reset

You use the Current property to access the item currently pointed to, and you use the Reset method to return the pointer back to before the first item in the list.

Atomic operation

An operation that will be started and finished as a single step without other threads interfering.

What's the benefit of multithreading if you use a webserver?

This can improve responsiveness in a client application

Does using multithreading with the TPL offer the same advantages for your server application?

Using multithreading in a server environment can help you distribute operations over multiple CPUs. This way, you can improve performance. Using the TPL to create another thread to execute a CPU-bound operation while the originating thread has to wait for

Multiple Threads

Using multiple threads can improve responsiveness and enables you to make use of multiple processors.


The Threadclass can be used if you want to create your own threads explicitly. Otherwise, you can use the ThreadPool to queue work and let the runtime handle things.


A Taskobject encapsulates a job that needs to be executed. Tasks are the recommended way to create multithreaded code


The Parallelclass can be used to run code in parallel.

new async and await operators

The new async and await operators can be used to write asynchronous code more

Concurrent collections

Concurrent collections can be used to safely work with data in a multithreaded (concurrent access) environment.

lock operator

block threads while they are waiting for each other
- Use the lockstatement on a private object to synchronize access to a piece of code.


Threads wait on each other but never complete

Use 'lock' on value or reference?

Reference. Value type gets boxed > generates completely new lock each time.


Force correct order in code.
Only use this when needed because it hurts performance and is not support by all .NET languages.

Interlocked class

Making operations atomic.
You can use the Interlockedclass to execute simple atomic operations.


Switching values: Retrieves current value and replaces it


Check first if expected value is there and then replace it.

CancellatationToken > Task

Periodically monitors the token to see where cancellation is requested
You can cancel tasks by using the CancellationTokenSourceclass with a CancellationToken


Signal to users that a task is been cancelled.

CancellationToken: Continuation Task

Executes when Task is cancelled.

How can you orchestrate your locking code to avoid deadlocks?

It's important to make sure that all locking follows the same order when locking multiple objects. As soon as you start locking dependent objects in different orders, you start getting deadlocks.

How can the Interlockedclass help you?

The Interlockedclass can help you to execute small, atomic operations without the need for locking. When you use locking a lot for these kind of operations, you can replace them with the Interlockedstatement.

synchronize access

When accessing shared data in a multithreaded environment, you need to synchronize access to avoid errors or corrupted data

Exclusive OR (XOR)

Returns true only if exactly one of the operands is true.

?? operator / null coalescing operator

Called the null-coalescing operator and is used to define a default value for nullable value types or reference types. It returns the left-hand operand if the operand is not null; otherwise it returns the right operand.

conditional operator: ?:

Returns one of two values depending on a Boolean expression. If the expression is true it returns the first value otherwise the second.
return p ? 1 : 0

Jump statement: goto, break, continue

- You cannot make a jump to a label that's not in scope.
- If possible avoid jump statements (refactoring: you can remove them)
- Goto >> bad practice >> avoid

Iterating across collections

Int[] values = { 1,2,3};
For (int index = 0; index < values.length; index++)
For(initial; condition; loop)


If left side of an OR operation is true it doesn't have to evaluate the right part of the expression.

What's not allowed when using a foreach statement?

It is not allowed to change the value of the iteration variable in a foreach statement.

What is the disadvantage of using goto? How can you avoid using the goto statement?

Using the goto statement makes your code much harder to read because the application flow jumps around. goto is mostly used in looping statements. You can then
replace goto with while or do-while.

Which statement can you use to improve the long if statements?

The switch statement can be used to improve long if statements.

What are the differences between the for and foreach statement? When should you use which?

The for statement can be used to iterate over a collection by using an index. You can
modify the collection while iterating. You need to use the index to retrieve each item. foreach is syntactic sugar over the iterator pattern. You don't use an index; ins

Boolean expressions

Boolean expressions can use several operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, !. Those operators can be combined together by using AND (&&), OR (||) and XOR (^).


You can use the if-else statement to execute code depending on a specific condition.


The switch statement can be used when matching a value against a couple of options

for loop

The for loop can be used when iterating over a collection where you know the number
of iterations in advance


A while loop can be used to execute some code while a condition is true; do-while
should be used when the code should be executed at least once


foreach can be used to iterate over collections.

Jump statements

Jump statements such as break, goto, and continue can be used to transfer control to
another line of the program.


Type that defines a method signature. In c# you can instantiate a delegate and let it point to another method.

Instantiated delegate

Object that you can pass around and give it as an argument to other methods.


Combine delegates together

Add another method to the invocation list of an existing delegate instance.

Use + or +=

How many methods is a multicast delegate going to call?

int invocationCount = del.GetInvocationList().GetLength();

Delegate: Covariance

permits a method to have a return type that is more derived than that defined in a delegate.

Delegate: Contra variance

permits a method that has parameter types that are less derived that those in the delegate type.

lambda syntax

You can say go or goes to for the special lambda syntax.
Calculate calc = (x, y) => x + y;

Lambda expression

A lambda expression is an anonymous function and it is mostly used to create delegates in LINQ. Simply put, it's a method without a declaration, i.e., access modifier, return value declaration, and name.

Benefits Lambda expressions

a.Reduced typing. No need to specify the name of the function, its return type, and its access modifier.
b.When reading the code you don't need to look elsewhere for the method's definition.

How do we define a lambda expression?

Lambda basic definition: Parameters => Executed code.
n => n % 2 == 1
List<int> numbers = new List<int>{11,37,52};
List<int> oddNumbers = numbers.where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();
//Now oddNumbers is equal to 11 and 37

Built in delegate that does return a value


Delegate that doesn't return a value



Life of captured variable is as long as the longest living delegate


Design Pattern: Subscribe to an event and get notification

Properties of an 'event'

- It's public
- An event cannot be directly assigned to (with the = intead of +=) operator.
- No outside users can raise your event.
- Instead of using Action you should use the EventHandler or EventHandler<T>:
- The event is never null
public delegate vo

Custom event accessor

Customize addition and removal of subscribers.

You are working on a desktop application that consists of multiple forms. Those forms show different views of the same data and they should update in real time. Your application is extensible, and third parties can add plug-ins that contain their own view

Events are a nice layer on top of delegates that make them easier and safer to use. In this case, you should use events to make sure that other users won't be able to clear all
subscriptions. It also makes sure that they can't raise the event on their own

What kind of type is a delegate?

Delegates are a type that defines a method signature and can contain a reference to a method.

What can you do with delegates?

Delegates can be instantiated, passed around, and invoked

How do lambda expressions function?

Lambda expressions, also known as anonymous methods, use the =>operator and form a compact way of creating inline methods

What are events in relation to delegates?

Events are a layer of syntactic sugar on top of delegates to easily implement the publish-subscribe pattern

How do events raise?

Events can be raised only from the declaring class. Users of events can only remove and add methods the invocation list.

How do you customize events?

You can customize events by adding a custom event accessor and by directly using the underlying delegate type

Advantages Exceptions in relation to error codes:



Preventing Finally block from running.


Describes methods that are currently in execution.


Linking two exceptions.


Message to describe exception.


URN or URL that point to a help file.


Describing severity error


Name of app that caused the error.


Name of the method that caused the exception.


Store extra data for your exception.

Throw new ArgumentNullException("FileName", "Filename is required")

Throw new exception

Three ways to rethrow an exception

1. Use the throw keyword without an identifier
2. Use the throw keyword with the original exception
3. Use the throw keyword with a new exception

Use the throw keyword without an identifier

Rethrow exception: No modifications to the exception

Use the throw keyword with the original exception

Rethrow exception: Reset call stack so you don't see where it came from. (Harder to debug)

Use the throw keyword with a new exception

Rethrow exception: raise another exception

Where should you be careful for when you are rethrowing an exception?

Make sure you don't swallow any exception details when rethrowing an exception. Throw a new exception that points to the original one when you want to add extra information; otherwise, use the throw keyword without an identifier to preserve the original e

Catch (FormatException ex)
possibleException = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex)

ExceptionDispatchInfo: Throw an exception and preserve the original stack trace.

When should you create a custom exception?

You should create a custom exception only if you expect developers to handle it or perform custom logging. If a developer won't be able to fix the specific error, it won't make any sense to create a more specific exception. Custom logging can happen when

Explain to your colleague the advantages of Exceptions compared to error codes.

Exceptions are objects, so they can store extra information that can't be done with only an error code. The .NET Framework also offers special support for dealing with exceptions. For example, you can use catch blocks to handle certain types of exceptions

When to create a custom exception?

You can define your own custom exceptions when you are sure that users of your code will handle it in a different way. Otherwise, you should use the standard .NET Framework exceptions.

Custom Exceptions Inherits From:

System Exception

Criteria's custom exceptions:
public OrderProcessingException (int orderId, string message, Exception innerException)

- a parameter less constructor
- add a few constructors (string, string & exception, serialization)


Never inherit from this namespace

multithreading: responsive and scalable.

Multithreading can help you create programs that are responsive and scalable. You can use the TPL, the Parallel class, and PLINQ for this. The new async/awaitkeywords help you write asynchronous code.

manage synchronization

In a multithreaded environment, it's important to manage synchronization of shared data. You can do this by using the lockstatement.

making decisions

C# offers statements for making decisions�if, switch, conditional operator (?) and nullcoalescing operator (??)�iterating (for, foreach, while, do-while), and jumpstatements (break, continue, goto, return and throw)

delegates-lambda expressions

Delegates are objects that point to a method and can be used to invoke the method. Lambda expressions are a shorthand syntax for creating anonymous methods inline


Events are a layer on top of delegates that help you with creating a publish-subscribe architecture


Exceptions are the preferred way to work with errors in the .NET Framework. You can throw exceptions, catch them, and run code in a finally block


Blueprint for construction an object

3 Types in C#

Value types
Reference types
Pointer tyes

public enum Gender { Malem, Female}

Create a list of possible options

Advantages enum

Readable and maintainability of your code.

enum Days : byte { Sat = 1, Sun, Mon, Tue}

Change the starting index of the enum

enum Days
Non = 0x0,
Sunday = 0x1,
Monday = 0x2

The [Flags] attribute on an enum allows you to assign multiple values to your enum at once. You can do this with bitwise manipulations, meaning you can store an enum with A and C set, not just A and not just C.

Value type

The value directly

Reference type

Reference to real value

Value of reference type is stored on the


A value type is stored on the

Except: class with value as one of it fields, a lambda expression or a value type that is boxed.

is operator

You can use the is operator to verify that the type of an object is what you expect it to be

as operator

Like the is operator, the as operator takes an object and a type as its operands. The runtime
attempts to cast the object to the specified type. If the cast is successful, the result is returned and, in
this example, it is assigned to the WrappedInt varia

Benefit of storing data in stack

Faster, smaller and doesn't need attention of garbage collector.

Three criteria to determine if you want to create a value type

The object is small.
The object is logically immutable,
There are a lot of objects.


Create a new value type with the 'struct' keyword. Other examples of struct(ures) are bool, int, char etc.

Differences between a class and a struct

- You can't declare a default constructor (a constructor with no parameters) for a structure
-In a class, you can initialize instance fields at their point of declaration. In a structure, you cannot.
struct Time
private int hours = 0; // compile-time er

When to use a value or reference type.

It's important to know the different types that are available in C#. A value type should be used for small, immutable objects that are used a lot. In other types use a reference type.

Function VS Method

Function: returns a value and doesn't modify (Read)
Method: Enable dat amodification and doesn't return data (Write)
In comparing:
Func<T> always returns
Action: returns nothing

Important steps when adding a method to your own type:

1. Choose a name for your method.
2. Decide which data should be passed to your method.
3. Decide which data you want to return to the caller.
4. Decide on the visibility of your method.

Named arguments

Specify which arguments you want to pass a value.

Optional arguments
public void DoWorkWithData(int intData, float floatData, int moreIntData)
public void DoWorkWithData(int intData, float floatData)

Enable you to omit arguments for some parameters. This can be useful when you want to specify default values for certain parameters.
Optional parameters are also useful in other situations. They provide a compact and simple solution when it is not possibl


Create methods with the same name that differ in arguments they take. (F.E. Console.WriteLine)

No access modifier

Default : private


Variable of any type that is declared directly in a class or struct.


constant value

For Example
List<int> mylist = new List<int>(){1,2,3};
myList[0] = 1;

enables instances of your class or struct to be used as arrays


Not specific for an instance
Create methods and data that can be shared by all instances of the same class by using the
static keyword.

Why should you define your own constructors?


Good practices when designing your own constructors:

- Explicitly declare the public default construct in classes if such a constructor is required.
- Ensure that your constructor takes a few parameters as possible,
- Map constructor parameters to properties in your class.
- Throw exceptions from instance c

Design principles class:



Single responsibility principle
Open/closed principle
Liskov substitution principle
Interface segregation principle
Dependency Inversion principle


Generic types use a type parameter to make the code more flexible.

where T: struct

The type argument must be a value type (only Nullable is not allowed).

where T : class

The type argument must be a reference type: for example, a class, interface, delegate, or array

where T : new()

The type must have a public default constructor.

where T : <base class name>

The type argument must be or derive from the specified base class.

where T : <interface name>

The type argument must be or implement the specified interface. Multiple interface constraints can be specified. The constraining interface can also be generic

where T : U

The type argument supplied for T must be or derive from the argument supplied for U.


Gives you the default value for T


enable new capabilities to an existing type.

Extensions are declared in:
public class Product
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public static class MyExtensions
public static decimal Discount(this Product product)
return product.Price * .9M;
public class Calculator
public decimal Calc

a nongeneric, non-nested, static class

Difference between static and extension

use of this in the first argument

Override method
class Base
public virtual int MyMethod()
return 42
class Derived : Base
public override int MyMethod()
return base.MyMethod() * 2;

Replace existing functionality or add behavior to base class


disable inheritance


A method that is intended to be overridden is called a virtual method.

What's the correct naming for types that you can use building a webshop?

Some of the types that you can use in building your web shop are: Order, OrderLine, Product, Customer, Review, SearchCriteria, BusinessRule

How can you make sure that your types contain both behavior and data?

When designing the system, you should focus on the behavior and then make sure that you have the data to support it. For example, instead of publicly exposing the OrderLines that an order contains, you should expose a method AddProduct(product, amount) th

How can you improve the usability of your types?

By making sure that you have the correct constructors, users of your types can easily see which data is required. By using enums (for example for the Orderstatus and Customerstatus), you can improve readability of your code. By using a base class for your


Constructors, methods, properties, fields, and indexer properties can be used to create a type.

Optional and named parameters

Optional and named parameters can be used when creating and calling methods

Overloading methods

Overloading methods enable a method to accept different parameters

Extension methods

Extension methods can be used to add new functionality to an existing type


Overriding enables you to redefine functionality from a base class in a derived class


enables weakly typed


adds arguments together and return them as a string


Taking a value type putting it inside a new object on the heap and storing a reference to it on the stack


Taking the item from the heap and return a value type that contains the value from the heap

Implicit conversion

Conversion is allowed and safe to convert.
int I = 42
double d = I;

Explicit conversion

double x = 1234.7;
int a;
// Cast double to int
a = (int)x; // a = 1234


Explicit conversion and needs special syntax