Reading Quiz #2

According to Dixon, the essence of the scientific process is...

the continuous interplay between theory and data

as a scientific enterprise, social research involves theory, verifiable data, logical reasoning, and...

systematic observation and analysis

In contrast to deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning

Involves conclusions that are more or less probable

Which best describes the deductive logic of inquiry?

Theory-> hypothesis-> data

A researcher observes that more acts of vandalism are committed by same sex gangs than by mixed sex gangs. She theorizes that comp. for recognition among equal status peers increases the tendency to commit publicly deviant acts. What type(s) of reasoning

Inductive reasoning

Contrary to their hyp, Dixon and Rosenbaum found that the social setting in which white people interacted with black people...

Only impacted anti-black stereotyping in some settings

In her study of class differences in child rearing, Lareau

inferred patterns from her data, which led to the development of a theory

Which of the following principles follows from Dixon, discussion of science and its limitations

scientific theory is a product of its times

The discovery of the misclassification of network data in the 2004 general social survey

Illustrates how science has the capacity to correct errors and increase accuracy over time

Miners study of the nacirema illustrates

An inductive approach to research