Research Final

Primary value of EBP

Better pt outcomes
Clinical expertise
Best Practice

Feasibility of a study

Pragmatic considerations (enough money, resources, time, etc.)

Know how far back (date) you look in research

5 years

Definition of theory

Interrelated concepts that represent a systematic review of a phenomenon.

Why quantitative or qualitative research

qualitative: focuses on feelings and human perception
quantitative: numbers & scientific stuff


Don't need more studies. Enough research and data.

When looking at a homogenous sample, how does it weaken a study?

Only one perspective presented.

If starting an experimental tx, what kind of variable is the researcher looking at?

independent variable

For a survey study, what is the best way of data collection


Highest level of evidence when reviewing research is:


Inclusion & exclusion criteria

understanding the criteria that is needed to make sure the characteristics are congruent in that population

If you let an unauthorized person have access to study data, what is being violated?


If conducting research and collecting data for pt care and also for the purpose of research, what are things you will be seeing?

Would not expect for that nurse to be connecting with the patient in any way. Would be OBSERVATIONAL. Would have to be objective.

What method would we use if you want to study bullying in elementary aged children?

Concealment of researcher w/o intervention

Primary concern when collecting data?

Consistency--if you don't have consistency when collecting data, you won't be able to measure outcomes.

Training data collectors to adhere strictly to a protocol for research project--how do you have a positive outcome when collecting data?

When there is consistency.

When you have two different data collectors an they are looking at pressure ulcers related to the Braden scale, since the two collectors had similar findings using the same type of scale, what does that indicate?

Interrelater reliability shows that the collection data is "high" (close in findings).

What is physiologic data collection?

Biometric--would be looking at vitals, labs, weights, etc.

When a nurse researcher informs a person that he/she would like the pt to be involved in a study, the subject has the right to refuse to participate. This is called:

informed consent

Looking at observational roles, which observational role would be something that a nurse researcher would use if he/she wants to identify a maternal response to a crying baby with colic?

concealment w/o intervention

Which data collection method is most vulnerable to researcher bias?

Observational methods in general. Related to the fact that as the nurse watches the pt do whatever, the nurse forms an opinion.

Why use interview method for data collection?

Interested in getting more specific information. Pt can give more than a yes/no answer. Can talk about feelings, experiences, etc. (if using likert scale, can't share more information. just qualitative info).

Which data collection method assesses if the subjects understood the tasks and the questions?

Interview--asking them questions in an interview. It's important that they understand the questions.

Which data collection method assesses if the majority of the items are open or closed ended?


Is there a provision for assessing the accuracy of an instrument?


Why are we as nurses concerned about looking at reliability of instruments in a study?

You want to make sure that what you are looking at is measured accurately and adequately. Determines if the information would be valid or not.

An ear temperature probe that consistently reports body temp at a degree lower than the patient's actual temperature has what validity/reliability problem?

Reduced reliability with a systematic error. Consistently the wrong reading, and it's the same equipment that's doing it.

When a nurse researcher demonstrates that an instrument is highly reliable, what type of error is induced?

Systematic error

What type of validity demonstrated to submission to experts to make sure it is appropriate?

content validity

To what extend of passing a nursing exam test is related to passing the NCLEX?

Predictive validity

Two separately administered tests and they measure very similarly to each other


When a nurse does the same test repeatedly and gets the same results


What does eternal consistency mean?

Making sure that what you're using is the right instrument to look at a single concept.

A nurse researcher determines an instrument's homogeneity by looking at what type of reliability?

Split half reliability--involves dividing a scale into two halves. Looking at how they compare to each other.

When a researcher uses cronbach's alpha coefficient and is trying to establish internal consistency of an instrument, what type of instrument would you be looking at?

Likert Scale

The results section of a research report includes:


If a study's results are not supported statistically or only partially supported, what should we as consumers assume about the study?

study design--relook at the study design... further research.

What part of a research report allows the nurse to look at critical review of numbers for each test... where do you put stats?


What part of a research report allows us to address weaknesses/limitations?


Which section of the report will allow nurse researcher to determine contribution to nursing?

Recommendations (implications for nursing)

Which section allows researcher to determine if evidence provided validates current practice or supports need for change?


when reporting results, the investigator should demonstrate what?


What section allows nurse to determine if there is bias?


What area are we going to be able to support or not agree with theoretical framework?


When researchers write discussion section, which section of report evaluates the findings?

Theoretical framework

A researcher makes generalizations beyond population being studied. Is that good?


Which section of the report does researcher address unsupported and supported data?


What are of report allows a nurse to interpret evidence provided?


Problem statement and purpose of study should address:

the variables and the relationship between them.

Understanding how things relate to quantitative research, how variables relate, and relationships between variables in quantitative study. When looking at quantitative research, where are gaps/conflicts about phenomenon found?

Literature review

A study abstract includes, "a negative relationship with infants w/ difficult behavior styles and maternal involvement." What type of correlation would we find?

inverse relationship

A comparison study investigating levels of depression in adolescents does not use a hypothesis. Does the lack of hypothesis represent a weakness?

Not a weakness. It's descriptive.

Where in a research paper would you find a statement like "exploratory descriptive investigation of pregnancy experiences of a multiethnic group of adolescents"?

Design section, qualitative

Explain what the research consumer would be able to evaluate from this statement: "a positive correlation was found between variables of a self reported sleep adequacy and performance on the driving simulator with an r=.21. Although the correlation did no

Should be less than .2 for there to be a correlation. WEAK CORRELATION.

The fact that the inventory or the instrument was given verbally introduced a potential bias of social desirability" what does this statement indicate?


Know the order you will see a research article in!!

Literature Review

Critically appraising a research report and asks, "What source of bias is possible with the use of records or already existing data sets?" The data collection methods of procedures are what?

Important to look at what's already been done. Is there bias in existing records?

Critically appraising a research report: "Is the format appropriate for use with this population?" Which data collection method and procedures would this question evaluate? Is the data collection method appropriate?

questionnaire--can pt read and write to fill out this questionnaire? Is a questionnaire appropriate for this population? (hint: qualitative)



different designs (look this up)


If a nurse wants to answer a question, what type of design would they use if they want to track someone's disease progression?


skills that are needed to consult the literature and answer questions

informational literacy

What is the term that is used for the ability for a test or technique to detect when a disease is present


a nurse researcher critiques a study and notes that the confidence interval is too large for the new therapy to be meaningful. What contributed to this outcome?

Too small of a sample size.

In an experiment when no difference between experiment and treatment group:


In an experiment with no difference, what is the value considered?

What is the significance of a diagnostic test with a large positive likelihood ratio?

Means that the patient has the disease. Really good chance they have it.

When a nurse researcher is looking at an odds ratio greater than 1, what does that mean?

More likely (if less than 1, would be less likely)

Understand that dissemination deals with sharing research findings so that a change can come.


A nurse researcher should view EBP

best practice
best outcomes/positive pt outcomes
clinical expertise

Problem focused trigger

related to EBP and helps research to build for project and focuses on specificity of problem to understand the problem that caused the problem...

When a team is trying to define a question in an EBP question, what should the team focus on?

interventions used

When a nurse researcher is trying to identify key stakeholders, what would be one thing that they would think about?

Who is going to have the most influence? (positive or negative).

What electronic database is best for EBP?


A nurse researcher is designing a study looking at construct of anxiety. How could the researcher operationalize the study? How could the researcher measure it? (select all)

Paper and pencil scale
HR, BP, (physiological)

A nursing student is critiquing a study on test anxiety reduction and a review course on NCLEX success rates for graduate nurses. Several threats to internal validity. Threats affect accuracy of which variables? (Select all)

what is the test reduction anxiety?
What was the review course about? Have to see how reliable it is.