Geography fieldwork results

The ... stones were found in the ... sections

largest deepest

Average depth at inside (site2)

10 mm

Average depth in middle (site5)

18 mm

Average depth at outside (site8)


We found a ... ratio between wet depth and channel velocity between the inside and outside of meander bends


We recorded qualitative data through....

Field sketches

Average Velocity at outside (site8)


Average Velocity in middle (site5)


Average Velocity at inside (site2)


We got a spearman's rank value of ... meaning we could be ... sure that the correlation had not occurred by accident

0.78 99.9%

With our ... data pairs, we needed a result of ... or more to find the correlation 95% convincing

12 0.64

Lambrigg Beck did not represent a fully natural channel; it had been .... while .... and ... had been removed

straightened vegetation river beach material

Measuring .... over ... would have resulted in data that was usable by the ....

erosion time farmer

The farmer could have used our data to assess the value of costly .... .... solutions to potential floods

hard engineering