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Describe the use of parameters in SQL statements

Parameters in SQL statements are essentially the variables that we create. They will eventually actually grab, store, and manipulate the data stored in the databases.

Where do parameters in SQL statements get their values

Parameters values come from the specified data table withen the SQL data base

Is it important to ensure that values are supplied to the parameters?

Yes it is important to ensure that values are supplied to the parameters because without assigning them value we will not be able to populate the data base

Describe the usage of SQL data adapters, how did we use them?

SQL Data Adapters allow us to populate the data tables.

For which SQL statement type are data adapters the best vehicle to run.

They are best run when using SELECT statements (how did we use them)

What code do we typically run after we use a data adapter

The statements that we usually run following a data adapter is the WITH/END WITH statement

Which SQL statements are most easily run with SQL commands


Describe how we used try catch statements?

We used try catch statements to connect our web page to the data base so that the parameters will be filled when the executenonquery statement is run and they used as an error checking method

How are try catch statements helpful?

It is mainly helpful for exception handling but it is also used to open the sql connection

How do WITH and AND WITH statements work

When using WITH and END WITH statments you are creating a data adaptor by first setting the datasource which is located in the table. Next you set the Datatextfield and datavaluesfieilds to the parameters you need. Finally you run the data bind statement

How are WITH and END WITH statements useful

The allow us to actually populate the list

When and why did we use a Page Init procedure

The page init procedure is used in the initial loadup of a web page when populating the list.

What code did we run in that procedure

When we ran the page init procedure we ran SQLdataadaptors and Select statements. After that we made a datatable with our selected data and created a data adapter which we used to populate the list

What is an example of when you would use a dropdownlist.selectedindexchange procedure that talks about the database?

you would use this if you wanted a drop down list to display an image based off which item was selected in the ddl like we did in the subara order page hw

How does ddl.selectedindexchange work?

it populates whatever you specify with info specific to the selectedindex

Describe the usage and importance of primary and foreign keys in the database design

The primary key contains data which is used to uniquely identify each row in the table. A foreign key creates a link between two separate tables, when the primary key for one table is referenced in the colums of another

Why is using group by SQL queries inside webpages so useful?

Group by SQL queries are useful because they allow us to filter selected data using any criteria we want

why is it often important to use INSERT queries and UPDATE queries in the same procedure?

Using these two statements in the same procedure reduces repetition in the code. For example we would use INSERT to add data to an inventory page and then we would UPDATE the customer and employee data tables

What is the relationship between data tables and grid view

Grid view displays a datasource the data source is a selected datatable

What is a data table and what did we use this to accomplish

A data table is a programming object used as a storage too it can hold data entered by the program user or, retrieved from a data store such as an SQLserver database.

Explain the usage and usefulness of identity fields

Identity fields let us set primary keys that will increment themselves. Identity fields also let us delete and update pre existing fields in the data base table