Chapter 7

ascending order

describes records placed in order from lowest to highest based on the value in a field

backup file

a copy that is kept in case values need to be restored to their original state

batch processing

involves performing the same tasks with many records, one after the other

binary files

contain data that has not been encoded as text


a small unit of storage; for example, in a simple text file, a byte holds only one character


are letters, numbers, and special symbols, such as A, 7, and $

child file

a copy of a file after revision

closing a file

makes a file no longer available to an application

computer file

a collection of data stored on a nonvolatile device in a computer system

control break

a temporary detour in the logic of a program

control break field

holds a value that causes special processing in a control break program

control break program

a program in which a change in the value of a variable initiates special actions or causes special or unusual processing to occur

control break report

is a form of output that includes special processing after each group of records

data hierarchy

is a framework that describes the relationships between data components; contains characters, fields, records, and files


holds groups of files and provides methods for easy retrieval and organization

default input and output devices

are devices that do not require opening; usually they are the keyboard and monitor, respectively

descending order

describes records placed in order from highest to lowest based on the value in some field

direct access files

are random access files


are organization units on storage devices; each can contain multiple files as well as additional directories; in a graphic system, often called folders


are data items that represent a single attribute of a record and are composed of one or more characters


are groups of related records


are organization units on storage devices; each can contain multiple files as well as additional folders; are graphic directories


is a billion bytes

instant access files

are random access files in which records must be accessed immediately

interactive program

program where the user makes direct requests, as opposed to one in which input comes from a file


is approximately 1000 bytes

master file

holds complete and relatively permanent data


is a million bytes

merging files

involves combining two or more files while maintaining the sequential order

opening a file

locates the file on a storage device and associates a variable name within your program with the file

parent file

a copy of a file before revision


is the combination of a file's disk drive and the complete hierarchy of directories in which the file resides

permanent storage devices

hold nonvolatile data; examples include hard disks, DVDs, USB drives, and reels of magnetic tape

random access files

records can be located in any order

reading from a file

copies data from a file on a storage device into RAM

real-time applications

require that a record be accessed immediately while a client or user is waiting


are groups of fields that go together for some logical reason

sequential file

a file in which records are stored one after another in some order

single-level control break

is a break in the logic of a program to perform special processing based on the value of a single variable


the process of placing records in order by the value in a specific field or fields


are files in a database

text files

contain data that can be read in a text editor

transaction file

holds temporary data that you use to update a master file

update a master file

involves making changes to the values in its fields based on transactions

writing to a file

copies data from RAM to persistent storage