U.S. citizens put John Locke's idea that people give their consent to be governed into practice by

voting for their representatives in government.

Historians agree that the Great Awakening influenced America's fight for independence by

challenging people to make moral choices and to act on them.

What does the Declaration of Independence proclaim is an important right of the people when a government fails to protect their freedoms?

change or dispose of the government

How did the Constitution correct the problems of the Articles of Confederation?

It moved some power from state to federal government.

What two ideas did the Constitution try to balance?

the power of government and the rights of the individual

The Anti-Federalists were afraid that

a strong executive branch might lead to tyranny.

Which name correctly describes opponents of the original Constitution?


A small state would have been more likely to support the New Jersey Plan, because

it allowed each state equal representation.

What was the goal of the Federalist Papers?

to persuade the citizens of the United States to ratify the Constitution

What role did George Washington play in the writing of the Constitution?

He presided over the Constitutional Convention.

Believing with you that . . . the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate . . . that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of relig

Americans should take care to keep church and government in separate buildings

In America, under the protections guaranteed in the Constitution, citizens are free to

hold any�or no�religious beliefs, including not believing in God.

What set of responsibilities does the Constitution assign to the Congress?

declare war, make laws, collect taxes, and regulate commerce

Which of the following is true about Hamilton's financial policy?

Hamilton wanted the U.S. government to take on states' war debts.

What is true about Hamilton's Federalists?

They supported an economy based on industry.

Captain Daniel Shays was

a farmer and veteran, angry that farmers were being sent to jail because of debts.

Why had the government imposed a tax on whiskey?

to pay off the national debt

New transportation modes and inventions gave rise to

modern capitalism.

The purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to

find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.

Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote about

the pioneer life