2-5-17 History chapter 8 test

The Treaty of Fort Jackson did what?

forced the Creek Indians to give up millions of acres of land

Who were from the South and West, and wanted to put a stop to British influence on American Indian groups on the frontier?

Some legislators who fought for war against Britain

What is judicial review?

the power of the judiciary to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

According to Thomas Jefferson, what was a primary task of the federal government?

delivery of the mail

How did Sacagawea recognize the Shoshone chief?

he was her brother

Why did The Embargo Act fail?

it caused American merchants to lose money and had little effect on Britain and France

The Lewis and Clark expedition took place between...


Did Tecumseh convince Indian leaders to join him and unite because he showed them a pillar of fire?


Was one of the reasons the French had to give up their land claims in North America was due to a rebellion of a French colony in Puerto Rico?


What territory belonged to Spain until 1802?


Who had more casualties in the Battle of New Orleans?


The Star Spangled Banner was written after the British attack on this U.S. fort.

Ft. McHenry

The U.S. bought the Louisana Purchase for how much money?

$15 million

Who believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution?

Democratic-Republican party

War Hawks called for war against Britain because Britain...

had backed Native American rebellions

At the Battle of New Orleans, the British outnumbered the Americans by over how much?


Who suffered from severe depression?


In 1810, the governor of Indiana Territory urged who to follow the Treaty of Greenville, which had been signed in 1795?


Would most of the men on the Lewis and Clark expedition would never see Sacagawea again after their trip?


Did the British set fire to the White House and Capitol buildings during the Revolutionary War?

no, it wasn't during the Revolutionary War

How old was Sacagawea?

16 years old

The British ship the __________ captured sailors from the American ship the __________

Leopard / Chesapeake

The Louisiana Purchase was significant to the United States because it...

nearly doubled the size of the country

What were Lewis and Clark hoping the Shoshone were going to be able to give them?


As a result of the War of 1812, did the U.S. extended its boundaries to the west and south?


What river did the Lewis and Clark expedition have to travel up for most of their trip out west?


Young members of Congress that called for a trade war against Britain were called what?

War Hawks

Who led the U.S. defeat of the British at the Battle of Lake Erie?

Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry

What did the British blockades of American ports?

actually boosted American manufacturing during the war

What was the nickname for the USS Constitution?

Old Ironsides

Did the Federalist party allowed the Alien and Sedition acts to expire when they took power in the White House?


In the hotly contested election of 1800, supporters of who claimed that a Thomas Jefferson presidency would bring the chaos of the French Revolution to America?

John Adams

Who helped save the Lewis and Clark expedition from being killed on their journey?

a woman from the Nez Perce tribe

U.S. officials were worried by Tecumseh's actions because they feared he...

was backed by the British

What was a result of the War of 1812?

Native American groups were broken up

Who's exploration provided many Americans with their first account of the Southwest?

Zebulon Pike

Proposed by Congress after the Election of 1800, what did the Twelfth Amendment accomplish?

created a separate ballot for president and vice president

Who was the governor of the Indiana Territory?

William Henry Harrison

After a British navy ship targeted an American navy ship in 1807, Great Britain's violations of U.S. neutrality resulted in what?

the Embargo Act, which banned trade with all foreign countries

Who was John Marshall?

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the opinion in Marbury v. Madison and was appointed by John Adams

Which Federalist policy did President Jefferson keep when he took office in 1801?

creation of the Bank of the United States

What was Zebulon Pike's exploration?

helped outline the Louisiana Territory's western border with New Spain

Who served as president of the United States during the War of 1812?

James Madison

In a sense Lewis and Clark failed in their expedition in that they did not what?

find a river route across the West to the Pacific Ocean

What was the name of Clark's slave that he took with him on the expedition?


Who were Barbary pirates?

along the African coast woud capture American ships

Why was the victory in the Battle of New Orleans important for the United States?

it prevented the British from taking control of the Mississippi River

Who tied with Thomas Jefferson in Electoral votes in the election of 1800?

Aaron Burr

What statement reflects the significance of Marbury v. Madison?

It established the Supreme Court's power to check the other branches of government

What is Francis Scott Key famous for?

Writing the Star Spangled Banner

Did Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie with 83 electoral votes each in the presidential election of 1800?


What was part of the reason why the U.S. navy defeated the British navy in the War of 1812?

the U.S. navy had powerful warships such as the USS Constitution

In order to continue their control over the judiciary after the election of President Jefferson, who passed the Judiciary Act of 1801?

Federalist legislators

How did the one man die on the Lewis and Clark expedition?

burst appendix

The Lewis and Clark expedition was undertaken in order to explore what?

the Louisiana Purchase

Napol�on Bonaparte decided to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States because he what?

needed to reinforce the French military in the war against the British

Once Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific, how long did their return trip take?

6 months

Who believed that one of the roles of government was to protect the nation from foreign threats?

the Democratic Republican party

Thomas Jefferson lowered spending in order to repay the national debt. What did this policy do?

possibly weakened the United States' position in relation to the British because it reduced the navy to just a few active ships

What statement about the War of 1812 is true?

It strengthened patriotism among Americans

What was the effect of the Embargo Act passed by Congress in 1807?

International trade was banned

The Federalists party believe that the U.S. economy should be run on what?


Who led American forces to victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe?

Gov. William Henry Harrison

What did the Treaty of Ghent accomplish?

it ended the war of 1812

What was the corrupt bargain made in 1824?

Adams asked Clay if he told the the House to vote for him, he would give him Secretary of State. That ended up going through, so Jackson lost.

Who are the presidential candidates in the election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

What was the electoral college results for president in 1800?

Jefferson and Burr tied with 73 electoral votes each.

How is the tie in the Electoral college broken?

The house broke the tie by selecting Jefferson to be president and then Burr becomes vice president

Who had beliefs on rule by wealthy class, strong federal government, emphasis on manufacturing, loose interpretation of constitution, and British alliance?

Adams and the Federalists

Who had beliefs on rule by the people, strong state governments, emphasis on agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, French alliance?

Jefferson and the Democratic republicans

The Treaty of Fort Jackson did what?

forced the Creek Indians to give up millions of acres of land

Who were from the South and West, and wanted to put a stop to British influence on American Indian groups on the frontier?

Some legislators who fought for war against Britain

What is judicial review?

the power of the judiciary to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

According to Thomas Jefferson, what was a primary task of the federal government?

delivery of the mail

How did Sacagawea recognize the Shoshone chief?

he was her brother

Why did The Embargo Act fail?

it caused American merchants to lose money and had little effect on Britain and France

The Lewis and Clark expedition took place between...


Did Tecumseh convince Indian leaders to join him and unite because he showed them a pillar of fire?


Was one of the reasons the French had to give up their land claims in North America was due to a rebellion of a French colony in Puerto Rico?


What territory belonged to Spain until 1802?


Who had more casualties in the Battle of New Orleans?


The Star Spangled Banner was written after the British attack on this U.S. fort.

Ft. McHenry

The U.S. bought the Louisana Purchase for how much money?

$15 million

Who believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution?

Democratic-Republican party

War Hawks called for war against Britain because Britain...

had backed Native American rebellions

At the Battle of New Orleans, the British outnumbered the Americans by over how much?


Who suffered from severe depression?


In 1810, the governor of Indiana Territory urged who to follow the Treaty of Greenville, which had been signed in 1795?


Would most of the men on the Lewis and Clark expedition would never see Sacagawea again after their trip?


Did the British set fire to the White House and Capitol buildings during the Revolutionary War?

no, it wasn't during the Revolutionary War

How old was Sacagawea?

16 years old

The British ship the __________ captured sailors from the American ship the __________

Leopard / Chesapeake

The Louisiana Purchase was significant to the United States because it...

nearly doubled the size of the country

What were Lewis and Clark hoping the Shoshone were going to be able to give them?


As a result of the War of 1812, did the U.S. extended its boundaries to the west and south?


What river did the Lewis and Clark expedition have to travel up for most of their trip out west?


Young members of Congress that called for a trade war against Britain were called what?

War Hawks

Who led the U.S. defeat of the British at the Battle of Lake Erie?

Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry

What did the British blockades of American ports?

actually boosted American manufacturing during the war

What was the nickname for the USS Constitution?

Old Ironsides

Did the Federalist party allowed the Alien and Sedition acts to expire when they took power in the White House?


In the hotly contested election of 1800, supporters of who claimed that a Thomas Jefferson presidency would bring the chaos of the French Revolution to America?

John Adams

Who helped save the Lewis and Clark expedition from being killed on their journey?

a woman from the Nez Perce tribe

U.S. officials were worried by Tecumseh's actions because they feared he...

was backed by the British

What was a result of the War of 1812?

Native American groups were broken up

Who's exploration provided many Americans with their first account of the Southwest?

Zebulon Pike

Proposed by Congress after the Election of 1800, what did the Twelfth Amendment accomplish?

created a separate ballot for president and vice president

Who was the governor of the Indiana Territory?

William Henry Harrison

After a British navy ship targeted an American navy ship in 1807, Great Britain's violations of U.S. neutrality resulted in what?

the Embargo Act, which banned trade with all foreign countries

Who was John Marshall?

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the opinion in Marbury v. Madison and was appointed by John Adams

Which Federalist policy did President Jefferson keep when he took office in 1801?

creation of the Bank of the United States

What was Zebulon Pike's exploration?

helped outline the Louisiana Territory's western border with New Spain

Who served as president of the United States during the War of 1812?

James Madison

In a sense Lewis and Clark failed in their expedition in that they did not what?

find a river route across the West to the Pacific Ocean

What was the name of Clark's slave that he took with him on the expedition?


Who were Barbary pirates?

along the African coast woud capture American ships

Why was the victory in the Battle of New Orleans important for the United States?

it prevented the British from taking control of the Mississippi River

Who tied with Thomas Jefferson in Electoral votes in the election of 1800?

Aaron Burr

What statement reflects the significance of Marbury v. Madison?

It established the Supreme Court's power to check the other branches of government

What is Francis Scott Key famous for?

Writing the Star Spangled Banner

Did Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie with 83 electoral votes each in the presidential election of 1800?


What was part of the reason why the U.S. navy defeated the British navy in the War of 1812?

the U.S. navy had powerful warships such as the USS Constitution

In order to continue their control over the judiciary after the election of President Jefferson, who passed the Judiciary Act of 1801?

Federalist legislators

How did the one man die on the Lewis and Clark expedition?

burst appendix

The Lewis and Clark expedition was undertaken in order to explore what?

the Louisiana Purchase

Napol�on Bonaparte decided to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States because he what?

needed to reinforce the French military in the war against the British

Once Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific, how long did their return trip take?

6 months

Who believed that one of the roles of government was to protect the nation from foreign threats?

the Democratic Republican party

Thomas Jefferson lowered spending in order to repay the national debt. What did this policy do?

possibly weakened the United States' position in relation to the British because it reduced the navy to just a few active ships

What statement about the War of 1812 is true?

It strengthened patriotism among Americans

What was the effect of the Embargo Act passed by Congress in 1807?

International trade was banned

The Federalists party believe that the U.S. economy should be run on what?


Who led American forces to victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe?

Gov. William Henry Harrison

What did the Treaty of Ghent accomplish?

it ended the war of 1812

What was the corrupt bargain made in 1824?

Adams asked Clay if he told the the House to vote for him, he would give him Secretary of State. That ended up going through, so Jackson lost.

Who are the presidential candidates in the election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

What was the electoral college results for president in 1800?

Jefferson and Burr tied with 73 electoral votes each.

How is the tie in the Electoral college broken?

The house broke the tie by selecting Jefferson to be president and then Burr becomes vice president

Who had beliefs on rule by wealthy class, strong federal government, emphasis on manufacturing, loose interpretation of constitution, and British alliance?

Adams and the Federalists

Who had beliefs on rule by the people, strong state governments, emphasis on agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, French alliance?

Jefferson and the Democratic republicans