LEADERSHIP EXAM 1: Healthcare and change

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most ________

responsive to change.

"_______ is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot _______

-change anything.

"Change is the ________. And those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the _______.

-law of life

"Never doubt that a small group of ________ and _______, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.


"The only way to make sense out of change is to (3)

-plunge into it
-move with it
-and join the dance.

The Butterfly Effect
"a situation in which an ______ or ______ that does not seem _______ has a very ________, especially in other places or around the world

-large effect

Chaos theory
-relies on the idea of the "butterfly effect," that even _______ in starting conditions lead to huge final variations in _______ because of the _______ of the system.

-slight imbalances
-fundamental instability

Complexity theory:
-The study of _______ and ______ systems and how ______, _______, and _______ car arise from them


Complexity theory:
-The theory that processes having a _______ number of seemingly ________ agents can spontaneously order themselves into a _________

-coherent system.

Complex adaptive systems
-A system such as a business or other organization that consists of many ________ which should ________ as _________ in order to succeed

-connected parts
-conditions change

Complex adaptive systems are _______ and ______; they continually ______ to _________

-new developments

Hospitals As Complex Adaptive Systems:
"Many connected parts" includes

ER, OR, Inpatient Units, ICUs, Radiology, Lab, Therapy Services, Food Service, EVS, Security, Supply Chain, Administration, Billing, Records, Human Resources, etc.

Hospitals As Complex Adaptive Systems:
"should change as conditions change" includes (3)


Hospitals As Complex Adaptive Systems:
"open and dynamic" includes (3)

-service lines

Hospitals As Complex Adaptive Systems:
"continually adapt to new developments" includes (5)

-Community growth
-major catastrophic events
-mass casualty events
-economic conditions
-global pandemics

Change: Planned And Unplanned
-Both kinds of change are

a part of life

Change: Planned And Unplanned
-Each kind of change within a healthcare system requires

special Leadership

Planned change:
-Ability to (3)


Unplanned change: Ability to (4)

-restore homeostasis

Kurt Lewin's Change Theory:
-The change agent convinces members of the group to ______ or ______, ________ or _______ are elicited.


Kurt Lewin's Change Theory:
-The change agent _______, _______, and ________ appropriate strategies, ensuring that ________ forces exceed ______ forces.


Kurt Lewin's Change Theory:
-The change agent assists in ________ the system change so that it becomes _______ into the ______

-status quo.

Lewin's Driving And Restraining Forces:
-Driving (facilitators) : forces that _________

push the system toward change

Lewin's Driving And Restraining Forces:
-Restraining (barriers): forces that _________

pull the system away from change

Driving And Restraining Forces Example:Returning To School
-Forces driving to reach the goal (5)

-Opportunity for advancement
-Status, social gratification
-Enhanced self esteem
-Family supportive of efforts
-Pay increase

Driving And Restraining Forces Example:Returning To School
-Forces restraining from reaching goal (4)

-Low energy level
-Limited financial resources
-Unreliable transportation
-Limited time with family

Lewin's Rules For Implementing Change:
-Change should only be implemented for _________

good reasons

Lewin's Rules For Implementing Change:
-Change should always be _______


Lewin's Rules For Implementing Change:
-All change should be ______ and not _______ or _______


Lewin's Rules For Implementing Change:
-All individuals who may be ________ should be involved in _________

-affected by the change
-planning for the change

Suited To Lead Change: Quantum Leaders:
-This leader can anticipate "_______" and lead teams toward them
-They are _______ and ________

-potential realities

Suited To Lead Change: Quantum Leaders:
-This leader ______ change, and _______

-leans into it

Suited To Lead Change: Quantum Leaders:
-This leader isn't ______ by ________

-unplanned change

Suited To Lead Change: Quantum Leaders:
-This leader seems to be grounded by ______


Suited To Lead Change: Quantum Leaders:
-This leader has a "_______" presence

calm in the storm

Suited To Lead Change: Quantum Leaders:
-This leader recognizes the ________ of people to be _______ and _______

-deep needs

Wanted: Quantum Leaders
-God doesn't ______, he _______

-call the equipped
-equips the called.