hrmn 3420 test 2

A process used to identify the work performed and the working conditions for each of the jobs within the organization

job analysis

Results of ___ ________include duties, responsibilities, skills, knowledge, required, outcomes, conditions under which a worker must operate, and possibly other factors

job analysis

A list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs)that a particular job entails. Focuses on the activities involved in carrying out a job

job description

A list of the KSAOs that an individual must have to perform a particular job-. These are found from the Job Analysis(the deliverables from job analysis). -Looks at the qualities or requirements the person performing the job must possess.

job specification

the process of identifying tasks that each employee is responsible for completing, as well as how those tasks will be accomplished

job design

refers to changing the tasks or the way work is performed in an existing job.

job redesign

Identifies the estimated supply and demand for the different types of human resources in the organization over some future period, based on analysis of past and present demand -- Methods can be quantitative or qualitative.

HR forecasting/planning

Downsizing and layoffs, Pay reduction, Work sharing, Natural attrition, Hiring freeze, Retraining and transfers; Early retirement

options for job surplus

Overtime, Temporary or contract workers, Retrain workers, Outsourcing, Turnover reduction, Hire new employees, Technological innovation

options for a labor shortage

a type of forecasting which is done to:
Have people ready to move into vacated positions -- Make predictions for leadership requirements over a forecasted time period to either prepare new leaders within the company to take on those positions, or to go ou

succession planning

Refers to filling job openings with current employees or people known by current employees

internal recruiting

The process of engaging individuals from the labor market outside the firm to apply for a job

external recruiting

how do you get the yield ratio?

qualified applicants/ applicants

how do you get the cost per hire?

total cost/applicants hired

how do you get the time to hire?

total time required from open position until it's filled

how do you get the new hire turnover?

recruits leaving within certain time frame/new hires

how do you get the new hire performance?

difference in performers/average of all employees in same field
determines if percentage is below or above average

to identify the most qualified applicants for various positions, decision makers need to know what tasks the individuals must perform, as well as the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities


To be non-discriminatory, employment tests must be _______ and _______

valid and reliable

Applicant must pass one portion of the test to move on to the next portion

Multiple-hurdle selection model

Applicant can take each test portion at one time

Compensatory selection model

Biographical Interview
Behavioral Interview
Competency Interview
Situational Interview

Structured Interview