biol 331 quiz 2

PINACEAE Abies lasiocarpa

subalpine fir
leaves: flat, radially spreading, turn up on twig, short needles around 1 inch, tightly spaced
female cones: upright, deciduous, purple, 2-4 inches long

VIBURNACEAE Viburnum davidii

parking lot plant
leaves: three vein, ladder-like secondary veins
dark-bluish green
flowers: white/pinkish
fruit: drupe-metallic blue
3-4 foot shrub

ERICACEAE Pieris japonica

Alternate (looks whorled but just compressed), pendulous infl. (panicles/branched racemes), white urn-shaped flowers, new growth orange to red


Oblique base, deeply undulate or serrate margin, palmate and pinnate veins on same leaf
infl: persistent sepals, yellow/orange/red flowers like crinkled tissue paper

MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia stellata

Obovate, 5" long leaves, lots of 3-5" long tepals, white, reflexed back, leaves leave ring scar on branch


Ternately compound, cordate, palmately veined, long, thin wiry-looking petiole, small nodding infl., 4 flat or spur like petals, creeping rhizomes


Simple, serrate leaves, leathery, solitary, sessile flowers, perfect, radial, large and showy, white/pink/red, many stamens all fused at base
Trees or shrubs

ERICACEAE Arbutus unedo

Strawberry tree
serrate, simple to oblong, above-lustrous dark green
tree to 30ft

ARECACEAE Trachycarpus fortunei

Windmill Palm
Fan shaped, round but deeply lobed
long petioles with teeth along margin

ARALIACEAE Fatsia japonica

7-9 lobed leaves, rounded sinus, distinct u shaped leaf scar on branch, extremely long petioles, many large stems

PINACEAE Tsuga heterophylla

Western Hemlock
linear spirally arranged leaves, varied sizes on one branch, 2 white bands of stomata, indistinct green margin, small 1" cones, sessile

PINACEAE Pseudotsuga menziesii

Douglas Fir
deeply furrowed
pointy, reddish orange bud tips

BERBERIDACEAE Berberis nervosa

dull Oregon grape
Pinnately compound
yellow flowers

BERBERIDACEAE Berberis aquifolium

tall Oregon grape
Pinnately compound


awl-shaped whorled

TAXACEAE Taxus brevifolia

Pacific yew
flat needles
single seed surrounded by red cup