ACT Reading Strategies

Predicting Answers Strategy

Answer the question in your own words and THEN look at your answer choices to see which one is the closest.


Putting the answer into your own words. This can be helpful if you do not the answer or you do not know the meaning of a specific word.

When would you use the strategy of eliminating answer choices?

When questions use NOT or EXCEPT. Also, when they ask you which one is correct. (There are other instances too, since you will probably use this the most)

Summarize the reading passages into what 3 categories?

Topic, scope, and purpose

What does the topic of the passage mean?

The subject of the passage and what they are discussing from a broad point of view

What does the scope of the passage mean?

What exactly they are discussing in regards to the subject

What does the purpose of the passage mean?

Why the author wrote the passage. Is it Informative, argumentative, or literary

What 3 types of questions will be on the Reading test? (MIS)

Main idea, inference, and specific detail

What is a main idea question going to be about?

You can find clues within the text to tell you what he main idea is.

What is a specific detail question going to be about?

They will ask you questions about specific details within the story. You can find those answers within the text.

What is an inference question going to be about?

This type of question requires you to use clues to answer it and the answers are not found within the text

Reading Look Back Strategy

Look back in the passage for a specific detail answer. Can also be used when using questions stems.

What is a question stem?

A question stem is a specific word in the question that you will look for in the passage to find the answer (Usually used for specific detail questions)