Chapter 17 Quiz

During the Gilded Age, which of the following could be said of the wealthy in America?

Many of the newly rich engaged in "conspicuous consumption," such as through elaborate parties, making class divisions appear more pronounced.

Andrew Carnegie was an outspoken opponent of the idea of the "Gospel of Wealth.


Westinghouse's system of transmitting electricity over long distances lost the "battle of the currents.


Who developed the first alternating current electric system?

George Westinghouse

Which of the following statements describes the experiences of industrial workers in Gilded Age America?

Working and living conditions remained dangerous.

Which of the following is true of the Pennsylvania oil rush?

In terms of economic importance, it outweighed the California gold rush of a decade before.

What was the effect of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

It revealed how polarizing the relationship between the working poor and executives had become and ended when the workers, who lacked organized bargaining power, returned to work.

Which of the following occurred from the end of the Civil War to the turn of the century?

The value of manufactures increased sixfold.

J. Pierpont Morgan is similar to business leaders Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller because he

believed in freewheeling capitalism but hated competition.

The events of the Lattimer Massacre involved ethnic tensions, not just those between protesters and authorities.


What was the first industry to contract with "investment banks" to raise capital by selling shares of stock to investors?

the railroad industry

Jane Addams is best associated with

founding Hull House.

Andrew Carnegie invented the process that enabled a dramatic increase in steel production.


What was one of the main tensions experienced by middle-class women in Gilded Age America?

More middle-class women were gaining access to higher education, helping lead to their growing presence in the workforce, but social expectations still kept many tied to the home or steered toward so-called home economics-type courses.

Which of the following is true of the first transcontinental railroad?

The Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads built it along a north-central route.

The railroad merged transportation and communication in that it paralleled a network of telegraph poles.


What was the guiding philosophy behind the Ladies' Home Journal?

It promoted middle-class values of the time and the idea that women had a domestic role in life.

What was the Haymarket Riot of 1886?

Occurring amid a strike in favor of the eight-hour workday, it was what journalists called America's first terrorist bombing and was blamed on anarchist leaders despite a lack of evidence.

Like the AFL, the Knights of Labor admitted only skilled workers.


During and after the Civil War, the Republican party supported protective tariffs that raised revenue and protected domestic industry from foreign competition.
