Inside Listening and Speaking 4 Unit 8


to manage or control; to govern (also: to administer)


to make (something) certain
He believed that hard work would assure his success.
to tell someone in a very strong and definite way that something will happen or that something is true
I can assure you that you won't be disappointed.


a part of a sentence that has its own subject and verb;
a separate part of a legal document


to give money or something else of value to (someone) in return for something (such as work) or as payment for something lost, damaged, etc.
She was not compensated for the damage done to her car.
to provide something good as a balance against something b


to complete something else or make it better
The shirt complements the suit nicely.


to discuss something important in order to make a decision
The lawyer and judge conferred about the ruling.
to give (something, such as a degree, award, title, right, etc.) to someone or something
The university will confer an honorary degree on the gover


to keep (someone or something) within limits : to prevent (someone or something) from going beyond a particular limit, area, etc.
We must confine ourselves to the agenda we've agreed on for this meeting.
to keep (a person or animal) in a place (such as a


not likely to change : already set or decided
The teacher sets definite standards for her students.
confident or certain about doing something or that something will happen
I am definite that we will win.


to take or get (something) from (something else)
Petroleum is derived from coal tar and used to make gasoline.


something that exists by itself : something that is separate from other things
One division of the company was broken off as a separate entity.


all of the things that a person owns
His estate is worth millions of dollars.
the things left by someone who has died
He inherited the estate from his parents.
a large piece of land with a large house on it
a country estate


to live in (a house, apartment, etc.)
They have occupied the apartment for three years.
to fill or be in (a place or space)
This region was once almost completely occupied by forests.
to fill or use (an amount of time)
Studying occupies nearly all of my t


of or relating to how good something is : of or relating to the quality of something
The research showed a qualitative difference between the two teaching methods.


money that is paid usually by a government to keep the price of a product or service low or to help a business or organization to continue to function
The city is increasing subsidies for public transit.

real estate

property consisting of buildings and land
He sells real estate.