Distribution Midterms Part 2

Recognize need
Set and coordinate
Specify distribution tasks
Develop alternative
Evaluate relevant variables
Choose best channel structure
Select channel members

Channel Design Paradigm

Channel Design

Decisions involving the development of new marketing channels either where none had previously existed or to the modification of existing channels

1. A decision made
by the marketer
2. The creation or modification of channels
3. The active allocation of distribution tasks in an attempt to develop an efficient structure
4. The selection of channel members
5. A strategic tool for gaining a differentia

Channel Design Distinguishing points


Look down the channel toward the market


Look both up and down the channel


Look up the channel to secure suppliers

Distribution tasks

_________ are a function of the distribution objectives and the types of firms involved.

Number of Levels

Range from two to five or more
� Number of alternatives is limited to two or three choices

1. Number of levels in the channel
2. Intensity at the various levels
3. Types of intermediaries at each level

Channel Structure Dimensions

Market Size

Number of customers in a market

Market Density

Number of buying units (consumers or industrial firms) per unit of land area

Market Geography

Location, geographical size, stance from producer

Channel member selection

the 7th and final phase of channel design

Market Behavior

Who buys, & how, when, and where customers buy

Intensive Selective Exclusive

Intensity Dimension


_______ may of may not be the result of channel design

1. Finding prospective channel members
2. Applying selection criteria
3. Securing prospective channel members

selection process

...the less the emphasis on selection

The greater the intensity of distribution...

Field sales organization
Trade sources
Reseller inquiries
Trade shows
Other sources

Finding Members

Trade magazine advertising

________ can generate a large number of inquiries from prospective Members.

Trade Sources

Trade associations Trade publications Directories Trade shows Firms selling similar products The "grapevine

reseller inquiries

main source of information about potential new channel members for some manufacturers.

Other Sources

1. Chambers of commerce, banks, & local real estate dealers
2. Classified telephone directories or the yellow pages
3. Direct-mail solicitations
4. Contacts from previous applications
5. Independent consultations
6. List brokers that sell lists of names o


Wholesale and retail trade associations hold annual ______________

Small manufacturers

meet face-to-face with wholesalers & retailers.

Management Assistance Inducements:

manufacturer will help with the following: � training programs � financial analysis & planning � market analysis � inventory control procedures � promotional method

Producers & Manufacturers Wholesale Intermediaries Retail Intermediaries

Who Selects?
Who does the selecting?

Offering Inducements

Advertising & promotional support
Management assistance
Fair dealing policies & Friendly relationships

1. Manufacturer offers good product line with strong sales & profit potential :
2. Stress value of good product line from channel members' perspective

Product Line Inducements

Advertising & Promotion Inducements
Consumer Market:

Gain immediate credibility by using a strong program of national advertising.

Advertising & Promotion Inducements Industrial Market:

Gain recognition by using a strong program of trade paper advertising.

Variables Affecting Channel Structure

1. Market Variables 2. Product Variables
3. Company Variables
4. Intermediary Variables
5. Environmental Variables
6. Behavioral Variables

Manufacturer's Responsibility Fair Dealing & Friendly Relationship

To convey to prospective channel members that he or she is genuinely interested in establishing a good relationship based on trust and concern for their welfare as both business entities and as people

Product Variables

Bulk & Weight Perishability
Unit Value
Degree of Standardization Technical versus Nontechnical Newness

company variables

financial capacity
managerial expertise
objectives and strategies

size company variable

range of options relative to firm's size

financial capacity company variable

greater the capital, lower the dependence on intermediaries

managerial expertise company variable

intermediaries are necessary when managerial experience are lacking

objectives and strategies company variable

marketing and objectives may limit use of intermediaries

intermediary variables

cost services

Environmental Variables

Economic Forces
Competitive Forces
Sociocultural Forces
Technological Forces
Legal Forces

behavioral variables

Develop congruent roles for channel members


Fairly simple prescriptions for channel structure


Mostly useful as rough guide to decision making

1. Management is incapable of knowing all possible alternatives.
2. Precise methods for calculating the exact payoffs associated with each alternative structures do not exist.

Why is choosing an optimal channel structure not possible?

Approaches for Choosing Channel Structure

� "Characteristics of Goods & Parallel Systems" Approach
� Financial Approach
� Transaction Cost Analysis Approach � Management Science Approaches
� Judgmental-Heuristic Approach

Good empirical data on costs and revenues is available

IF Management's ability to make sharp judgments is high