Fashion Law Test 2

The internet and digital technology can lead to opportunities for the fashion industry and their attornies.


Intellectual property is a fashion enterprise's most valuable asset.


Fabric design can be copyrighted.


Strategic licensing describes the practice wherein a company forms an alliance with a third party licensee with expertise in a particular brand category.


Digital images can be sent to factories quickly for reserve engineering.


Try to draft real estate contracts for fashion businesses that are for a fixed term without deviation.


Knockoffs in the fashion industry is a term that describes properly licensed copies permitted by the designer


Usually, the licensor will grant to the licensee the right to approve manufacturing quality, distribuation channels, ads and promotional programs


Christian Louboutin vs YSL, Louboutin won because everyone associates red shoe soles with his trademark shoes.


As an attorney you should never consider what would happen if your client goes out of business because it's bad luck.


which of the following statements is false in the 1900's the fashion industr

Was a well organized cohesive group of businesses

New fashion businesses should hire all but which of the following:


Which of the following deals can involve trade secrets?

Confidentiality agreements

Abercrombie and Fitch unsuccessfully sued which brand in 2002 for alleged infringement of their dress which was not copyrighted

American Eagel

1988, the court held that Paolo had to use his full name and add a disclaimer that he was no longer affiliated with any of the other family businesses

Gucci vs. Gucci Shops Inc.

Crocs vs ITC case involves

Design Patents

One company, DE Designs has gotten a copyright for their virtual clothing which is sold in

Second Life environment

Royalty methods for licensing agreements include all but which of the following


fashion attorneys should know

All of the below

fashion lawyers should review

All of the above

The internet and digital technology can lead to opportunities for the fashion industry and their attornies.


Intellectual property is a fashion enterprise's most valuable asset.


Fabric design can be copyrighted.


Strategic licensing describes the practice wherein a company forms an alliance with a third party licensee with expertise in a particular brand category.


Digital images can be sent to factories quickly for reserve engineering.


Try to draft real estate contracts for fashion businesses that are for a fixed term without deviation.


Knockoffs in the fashion industry is a term that describes properly licensed copies permitted by the designer


Usually, the licensor will grant to the licensee the right to approve manufacturing quality, distribuation channels, ads and promotional programs


Christian Louboutin vs YSL, Louboutin won because everyone associates red shoe soles with his trademark shoes.


As an attorney you should never consider what would happen if your client goes out of business because it's bad luck.


which of the following statements is false in the 1900's the fashion industr

Was a well organized cohesive group of businesses

New fashion businesses should hire all but which of the following:


Which of the following deals can involve trade secrets?

Confidentiality agreements

Abercrombie and Fitch unsuccessfully sued which brand in 2002 for alleged infringement of their dress which was not copyrighted

American Eagel

1988, the court held that Paolo had to use his full name and add a disclaimer that he was no longer affiliated with any of the other family businesses

Gucci vs. Gucci Shops Inc.

Crocs vs ITC case involves

Design Patents

One company, DE Designs has gotten a copyright for their virtual clothing which is sold in

Second Life environment

Royalty methods for licensing agreements include all but which of the following


fashion attorneys should know

All of the below

fashion lawyers should review

All of the above