Summer of My German Soldier

Jenkinsville, Arkansas in the early 1940's

Setting of Summer of My German Soldier

Patty Bergen

Who is the main character?

Prisoner of War

What does POW stand for?

Jewish; they don't have enough gas to go the 80 miles to church

What religion are the Bergen's and why aren't they practicing their religion during the war?

President Roosevelt

Who was the president during this time period?

His grocery store was broken into

What happened to Mr. Lee?


Where is Patty's mother from?

Grandpa didn't give Mr Bergen a job in his real estate business

Why does Mr. Bergen resent his father in law?

They were picking cotton in Mr. Jackson's field

What work were the POWs doing?

black-haired German prisoner who spoke fluent English

Who is Reiker?


What does the word "spiegel" mean in English?

He was a history professor

What did Anton's father do for a living?

Baptist Camp; it was only for baptists

Where did Patty's friends go each summer and why couldn't Patty go?

He was a poor kid who was Patty's friend.

Who is Freddy?

He bribed a guard with glass diamonds, a broach he bought in Patty's store, and the guard lets him escape

How did Anton escape?

John Pierce and Phil McFee

Who are the FBI's that question Patty?


What is the one thing Mr Bergen is generous with?


Who cares for Patty?

Hitler; the difference is the level of power

Who does Anton compare Mr Bergen to?

his most prized possession - his ring

What does Anton give Patty when he leaves?

Mr Kishner

Patty's lawyer, who doesn't want to defend her. He's Jewish.

Charlene Madlee

Tells Patty she has the aptitude to become a writer/journalist


chooses a new word to use each day, like "formidable

Edna Louise

Wealthy girl in town, acquaintance of Patty but not really her friend

Bette Green

author of the book

Anton comes out of his hiding spot to try to save Patty

How does Ruth know Anton cares about Patty?

A swimmer out at sea

What does Patty compare herself to while serving time in the detention center?

He thinks Bergen is a good German name (her family sympathizes with the Nazi cause).

Why does Anton believe Patty is hiding him?

Sister Parker

Works at the store with Patty, constantly in other peoples' business.

Anton hates the Nazis because they killed his sister

The lie Patty tells Sister Parker about her interest in Anton

A tramp gave it to her because she gave him food

The lie Patty tells regarding the origin of her ring