
Check that clear language is used

Check Staff Skills

Check that expectations are reasonable for learner

Check Staff Skills

Check consistency of implementation across staff/timings

Check Staff Skills

Move to quiter/different workspace
Minimize distractions

Build Frequency

Check reinforcer
Offer new choices
Conduct a preference assessment

Build Frequency

Reduce number of/time between timings
Increase/decrease practice timings

Build Frequency

Use prompts (MTL & LTM) and prompt fading

Focus on Errors

Mix up learning channels
Use learners stronger learning channels

Focus on Errors

Use discrete trials or massed trials or Interspersed trials during DTT
Run teaching trials

Focus on Errors

Use Error Correction

Focus on Errors

Use Discrimination Training

Focus on Errors

Teach across the operants for the same trarget

Focus on Errors