Chores - Los quehaceres

barrer el piso

to sweep the floor


to cook

los quehaceres


lavar la ropa

to wash the clothes

sacar la basura

to take out the trash

ayudar a mi madre

to help my mother

planchar la ropa

to iron the clothes

cuidar a mi hermano/hermana

to take care of my brother/sister

poner la mesa

to set the table

pasar la aspiradora

to vacuum the living room

limpiar la cocina

to clean the kitchen

hacer la cama

to make the bed

trabajar en el jard�n

to work in the garden/yard

cortar el c�sped

to mow the lawn


to scrub

poner los platos en el lavaplatos

to put the dishes in the dishwasher

dar de comer al perro

to feed the dog


to should