Pathfinder Bible Experience Esther Chapter 2

According to Ester 2:1, When did the king remember Vashti, what she had done and what had been decreed against her? 2 pts.

after these things, when the wrath of King Ahasuerus subsided

According to Esther 2:1, After these things, when the wrath of King ahasuerus subsided, what did he remember? 3 pts

Vashti, what she had done and what had been decreed against her

According to Esther 2:2, Who attended the king?

king's servants

According to Esther 2:2, What did the king's servants say should be sought for the king? Be specific

beautiful young virgins

According to Esther 2:3, In order to gather all the beautiful young virgins what should the king appoint?

appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom

According to Esther 2:3, What would the officers do?

gather all the beautiful young virgins

According to Esther 2:3, Where should they gather all the beautiful young virgins? Be specific.

to Shushan the Citadel, into the women's quarters.

8. According to Esther 2:3, Under whose custody will they(the beautiful young maidens) be? 2 pts. Be specific.

Hegai the king's eunuchs, custodian of the women.

According to Esther 2:3, Who is custodian of the women? Be specific.

Hegai the king's eunuchs

According to Esther 2:3, What will be given (done to them) them ?

beauty preparation

According to Esther 2:4, Who would be queen instead of Vasthi?

the young woman who pleases the king

According to Esther 2:4, What will be done to the young woman who pleases the king?

she will be made the queen

According to Esther 2:4, The young woman who pleases the king will become the queen to replace who?


According to Esther 2:4, How did the king react to what his servants said? 2 pts.

it pleased him and he did so

According to Esther 2:5, Who was the certain Jew in Shushan the Citadel?

Mordecai the son of Jair

According to Esther 2:5, Who was Mordecai? 4 pts.

the son of Jair (father), the son of Shimei (grandfather), the son of Kish (great grandfather), a Benjamite (tribe).

According to Esther 2:6, Where was Kish carried away from?


According to Esther 2:6 Besides Kid who were also carried away from Jerusalem? 2 points

the captives who have been captured with Jeconiah

According to Esther 2:6, Who was Jeconiah?

king of Judah

According to Esther 2:6, Who carried them (the captives and Jechoniah) away from Jerusalem?

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon.

According to Esther 2:6, Who did Nebuchadnezzar capture and carried away?

Kish and Jeconiah

According to Esther 2:7, Who did Mordecai bring up?

Hadassah, that is Esther.

According to Esther 2:7, Who is Hadassah to Mordecai?

his uncle's daughter

According to Esther 2:7, Why did Mordecai bring up Hadassah?

she had neither father nor mother

According to Esther 2:7, When did Mordecai take Hadassah?

when her father and mother died

According to Esther 2:7, How did Mordecai treat Hadassah?

as his own daughter

According to Esther 2:8, When was Esther taken to the king's palace?

when the king's command and decree were heard and when many young women gathered at Shushan the Citadel.

According to Esther 2:8, Under whose care was Esther taken?

Hegai the custodian of the women

According to Esther 2:9, Why did Hegai readily give beauty preparation to Esther?

because the young woman (Esther) pleased him (the king) and she obtain his favor.

According to Esther 2:9, What was given to Esther? 2 points

beauty preparation besides her allowance, 7 maidservants

31. According to Esther 2:9, Where was Esther and her maidservants moved?

the best place in the house of the women

According to Esther 2:10, What had Esther not revealed?

her people or family

According to Esther 2:10, Why had Esther not revealed her people and family?

Mordecai had charged her not to reveal it

According to Esther 2:11, What did Mordecai do every day in front of the court of the women's quarters?

he paced

According to Esther 2:11, Where did Mordecai pace every day?

in front of the court of the women's quarters

According to Esther 2:11, Why did Mordecai pace everyday in front of the court of the women's quarters?

to learn of Esther's welfare and what was happening to her

According to Esther 2:12, Who takes turns to go into King Ahasuerus?

each young woman

According to Esther 2:12, When did each young woman's turn come to go into King Ahasuerus?

after she had completed 12 month's preparation

According to Esther 2:12, According to what does each young women come to King Ahasuerus after completing 12 month's preparation?

according to the regulation for the women

According to Esther 2:12, What was included in that 12 month preparation, how were the days of their preparation apportioned?

6 months with oil of myrrh, 6 month with perfume and preparation for beautifying women.

According to Esther 2:13, As each young woman was prepared and went to the king, what did she take with her to the palace?

whatever she desired to take with her from the women's quarters

According to Esther 2:14, When would the young woman go to the palace?

in the evening

According to Esther 2:14, When would the young woman return from the palace?

in the morning

According to Esther 2:14, When she (the young woman) returned in the morning, where would she go?

to the 2nd house of the women

According to Esther 2:14, To whose custody would she return at the 2nd house?


According to Esther 2:14, What is Shaashgaz position?

the king's eunuchs who kept the concubines

According to Esther 2:14, When will these concubines go back to the king?

not until the king delights in her and called for her by name

According to Esther 2:15, Now when it was Esther's turn to go the king's palace, what did she ask to take from the women's quarter? 2 pts.

nothing but what Hegai had advised her

According to Esther 2:15, Esther obtained favor in the sight of who?

of all who saw her

According to Esther 2:15, Whose daughter was Esther?


According to Esther 2:15, How is Abihail related to Mordecai?

Abihail is Mordecai's uncle

According to Esther 2:16, Where was Esther taken to by King Ahasuerus?

into his royal palace

According to Esther 2:16, When was Esther taken by King Ahasuerus into his royal palace?

10th month, month of Tebeth, 7th year of his reign

According to Esther 2:17, How much did king Ahasuerus love Esther?

more than all the other women

According to Esther 2:17, Why was Esther loved more than all the other women?

she obtained grace and favor in his (king's) sight

According to Esther 2:17, What did the king do to Esther?

he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen

According to Esther 2:17, Why did the king make Esther queen?

he loved Esther more than all the other women and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins.

According to Esther 2:17, Esther was loved by King Ahasuerus more than who?

all the other women

According to Esther 2:17, Esther obtained grace and favor in the king's sight more than who?

all the virgins

According to Esther 2:18, After Esther was crowned, what did the king do?

made a great feast

According to Esther 2:18, After Esther became queen the king made a feast what was the feast called?

Feast of Esther

According to Esther 2:18, Who was the great feast, Feast of Esther, for?

all his (the king's) officials and servants

According to Esther 2:18, What did the king proclaim at the Feast o Esther?

he proclaimed holiday in the provinces

According to Esther 2:18, What did the king give at the feast?

gifts according to the generosity of a king

According to Esther 2:19, Where was Mordecai when virgins were gathered together a second time?

Mordecai sat within the king's gate

According to Esther 2:20, Why would Esther obey Mordecai's command?

she was brought up by him

According to Esther 2:20, What had Mordecai charged Esther to do?

to not reveal her family and her people

According to Esther 2:21, Who sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus? 3 pts. Be specific

2 of the king's eunuchs, Bigthan and Teresh, doorkeepers

According to Esther 2:21, Who were Bigthan and Teresh? 2 pts.

the king's eunuchs and doorkeepers

According to Esther 2:21, Why did Bigthan and Teresh seek to lay hands on King Ahasuerus?

they were furious

According to Esther 2:21, Where was Mordecai when Bigthan and Teresh sought to lay hands of King Ahasuerus?

he sat within the king's gate

72. According to Esther 2:22, Bigthan and Teresh, doorkeepers, sought to kill the king, who came to know about the matter?


According to Esther 2:22, To whom did Mordecai tell about the matter(attempted murder)?


According to Esther 2:22, How did the king come to know about this matter (attempted murder)?

Esther informed the king in Mordecai's name

According to Esther 2:23, where were Bigthan and Teresh hung?

in the gallows

According to Esther 2:23, When were Bigthan and Teresh hung in the gallows?

After the inquiry was made and confirmed

According to Esther 2:23, Where was this incident (attempted murder) written?

in the book of the chronicles

78. According to Esther 2:23, In whose presence what this (attempted murder) incident written?

in the presence of the king