The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 21-26

Who does Holden tell the operator he is going to visit?

the dickstein family

2. Holden is very skillful at opening the door quietly. What profession does he say he should have gone into?

A crook

3. When Holden enters the family apartment, how does he know for sure that he is in the right apartment?

It had a distinctive smell compared to the rest.

4. How does Holden describe his mother's hearing ability?

He compares it to a bloodhound

5. Why does Phoebe not like her own room?

It is too small for her

6. During the first few moments that he is in Phoebe's room, Holden says something he has not said for many

He said he felt good

7. Holden's mother has outstanding tastes in what area?

Picking clothes.

8. What kind of reading does Holden find very interesting?

Children's school notebooks

9. How did Phoebe hurt her arm?

A kid named Curtis pushed her down the stairs.

10. What does Holden say that he may do now that he has been expelled from school?

Get a job on a ranch somewhere in Colorado.

1. To what does Holden compare Phoebe's behavior when she finds out that he was expelled from Pencey?

To that of the Fencing team at Pencey.

2. Where does Holden say that his father will send him when he learns that Holden has been expelled?

Military School

3. Even though Holden likes Mr. Spencer, why does he consider him a phony?

His attentive behavior while he was watched teaching.

4. What was the Pencey alumnus looking for when he came to Holden and Stradlater's dorm?

The initials he carved into a bathroom door

5. When Holden thinks about the nuns, what does he picture them doing?

he thinks of them doing good things like collecting money for the poor.

6. Why did James Castle commit suicide?

He said he rather die than take back what he said about a student.

7. What was the topic of the only conversation that Holden remembers having with James Castle?

James asking to borrow Holden's sweater

8. What habit of Holden's does Phoebe wants him to change?

The swearing

9. What bothers Holden about becoming a lawyer?

He doesn't know if he wants to help people or receive recognition for helping them.

10. Who is the author of "if a body meet a body coming through the rye?

Robert Burns

1. How does Mr. Antolini respond to Holden's telephone call?

He said Holden was welcome at his apartment at any time.

2. Who taught Phoebe to dance?

Holden taught her.

3. How does Holden feel after he dances with Phoebe?

Holden says he can't breath because of all the cigarettes he smoked

4. What behavior of Charlene, the maid, does Phoebe object to?

How Charlene breathes on the food.

5. Where does Phoebe say her prayers before she goes to bed that evening?

The restroom

6. Why does Holden say that he has to leave the house?

He has to go to the train station to get his luggage

7. Why does Phoebe not want Holden to go away?

She wants Holden to see her play.

8. Where does Holden plan to stay until Wednesday?

With Mr.Antolini

9. How does Phoebe try to comfort Holden when he is crying?

She wraps her arm around him and says he can sleep with her if she wants.

10. What does Holden do with the hunting hat?

He gives it to Phoebe.

1. How did Mr. Antolini feel about D.B. going to Hollywood?

A person with D.B's talents should never go to Hollywood.

2. Why does Mrs. Antolini not want Holden to look at her when she enters the room with the coffee and cake?

She had hair in curls and didn't have makeup on.

3. What criteria does Holden say one must meet in order to get a good grade in Oral Expression?

One must stick to a topic

4. Why does Holden like Richard Kinsella's speeches better than anyone else's?

He moves shortly to other topics which makes it more interesting. He then comes back to the main topic.

5. Holden admits that there were times when he hated both Stradlater and Ackley. What else does Holden say about them?

He misses them both.

6. What is the sense of the quote from Wilhelm Stekel which Mr. Antolini writes down for Holden?

Foolish men die for a cause, wise ones live for it.

7. What does Mr. Antolini say that Holden will do once he decides what to do with his life?

He will apply himself in school

8. What does Mr. Antolini say that a good academic education will do for Holden?

He could think more clearly and can follow what he thinks.

9. What excuse does Holden give Mr. Antolini for having to go to the train station to get his money?

Its his moms money

10. While awaiting the elevator, what does Holden say to Mr. Antolini?

He'll spend more time reading.