vocal 3

condescend (V)

stoop, deign, patronize

Interstice (N)

gap, slot, crevice, interval, lacuna

Icon (N)

image, symbol, emblem, idol

Mountebank (N)

Imposer, quack, charlatan, swindler

Rapacity (N)

Avarice, greediness, cupidity, voraciousness

Bowdlerize (V)

censor, purge, expurge

Paean (N)

hymn, ode, anthem

Virtuoso (N)

expert, master, prodigy, maestro

Gratis (adj/adv)

free of charge, "on the house", freely

Forte (N)

gift, aptitude, specialty, strong suit

Therapeutic (adj)

Curative, salutary, salubrious, beneficial

Schism (N)

Rift, breach, split in the ranks

Quizzical (Adj)

Peculiar, perplexed, mystified, derisive

Persiflage (N)

Banter, jesting, repartee, badinage

Pragmatic (Adj)

practical, down-to-earth, businesslike

Plethora (N)

superfluity, surplus, surfeit, glut, excess

Cozen (V)

Dupe, deceive, to beguile, inveigle

Ancillary (adj)

auxiliary, subsidiary, accessory,

macrocosm (N)

universe, cosmos, entirely

Enclave (N)

island, subgroup