Test 1 Part 2

Which of the following statements is correct about the roles of economists?

In trying to explain the world, economists are scientists, in trying to improve the world, they are policy advisers

Production possibilities frontiers are usually bowed outward. This is because

resources are specialized; that is some are better at producing particular goods rather than other goods.

When a production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, the opportunity cost of producing an additional unit of a good

increases as more of the good is produced

Which of the four panels represents the market for peanut butter after a major hurricane hits the peanut-growing south?

Panel (d)

Unemployment could cause this economy to produce at which point(s)?

N, O, P

Katie is planning to sell her house, and she is considering making two upgrades to the house before listing it for sale. Replacing the carpeting will cost her $2,500 and replacing the roof will cost her $9,000. Katie expects the new carpeting to increase

She should replace the carpeting but not replace the roof

The principle that "trade can make everyone better off" can apply to

All of the above are correct. Companies, individuals, nations.

If a decrease in income increases the demand for a good, then the good is a(n)

substitute good

The opportunity cost of this economy moving from point A to point B is

20 dryers

Suppose the number of buyers in a market decreases and a technological advancement occurs also. What would we expect to happen in the market

Equilibrium price would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would be ambiguous

England has a comparative advantage in the production of

cheese and Spain has a comparative advantage in the production of bread

If orange juice and apple juice are substitutes, an increase in the price of orange juice will shift the demand curve for apple juice to the right


You know an economist has crossedd the line from scientist to policy adviser when he or she

makes normative statements

Economic models are built with


What is the most important factor that explains differences in living standards across countries?


When the price of a good is higher than the equilibrium price,

sellers desire to produce and sell more than buyers wish to purchase

A production possibilities frontier is a straight line when

the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being produced is constant

Which of the following events would unambiguously cause an increase in the equilibrium price of cotton shirts?

an increase in the price of wool shirts and an increase in the price of raw cotton

Causes of market failure include

externalities and market power

As long as two people have different opportunity cost, each can gain from trade with the other, since trade allows each person to obtain a good at a rice lower than his or her opportunity cost
