Text Completion- No Shifts

Remember that you should always read the directions for each question. Also keep in mind that when you see a box instead of a circle near each answer choice, this means that you need to select ...

two answer choices as opposed to one.

A "no shift" text completion is one in which the main idea flows through out without...

interruption or a contrast being presented.

A "no shift" text completion is generally considered far more ...

easier to solve than a "text completion" that contains a shift.

Words that indicate a "no shift" text completion are ..

Likewise, In fact, Indeed, So , Just as ... so too, not only, but also.

Another type of "no shift text completions" includes Cause and ...

Effect sentences.

Words that indicate a "Cause & Effect" text completion are ..

Because, Given That, As A Result, Since, Therefore, Consequently, Thus..

Remember when looking at Text completions , that every word or detail in the the sentence must support ...

your reasoning for the answer choice you are selecting. If anything does not support it, like the parts-of-speech, the negative/positive connotation, or definition, then that is a good indication that you may want to consider another choice.

Remember that in a text Completion, the GRE will set the stage to help you understand which answer choice works best by ...

painting a picture that conjures feelings, leaves impressions and allows you to use logic.

When trying to solve text completions, try not to over think ...

the question because you can easily convince yourself of the wrong answer. The answer should not be forced, but it should easily emerge based on the context of reading the sentence.

A common Text completion type is "Elaboration Sentences", which generally employ grammatical symbols such as ...

hyphen, colon and semi-colon.

Generally in an Elaboration Sentence a point will be made and then ...

the point will be solidified with details and examples.

An Elaboration Sentence can both ...

provide a shift or keep flowing.

Why is a hyphen "-" used ..

The dash can be used in place of a colon when you want to emphasize the conclusion of your sentence. The dash is less formal than the colon. Ex: After months of deliberation, the jurors reached a unanimous verdict�guilty. The white sand, the warm water, t

Why is a Colon ":" used ...

The most important thing to remember about colons is that you only use them after statements that are complete sentences. Never use a colon after a sentence fragment. For example, it's correct to say, "Grammar Girl has two favorite hobbies: watching cloud

Why is a semi-colon ";" used ?

Use a semicolon between two independent clauses that are connected by conjunctive adverbs or transitional phrases. Use a semicolon to link two independent clauses that connect closely related ideas .When a semicolon is used to join two or more ideas (part

what is an Apposition?

An Apposition is a grammatical construction in which two elements, normally noun phrases, are placed side by side, with one element serving to identify the other in a different way; the two elements are said to be in apposition. Ex: The living room, the b

Often times on the GRE, you will find the use of a Reverse-Apposition, where this involves a sentence where ...

two similar words are placed one after another. Generally these words are adjectives, where the first is a neutral word but the second word is more extreme.

When dealing with Apposition sentences, you must remember that the two words which follow each other must be related ...

to one another. So they may be synonyms.

When dealing with a one-blank sentence completion, beware of answer choices that describe the situation, but does not ...

fill in the blank and complete the flow of the entire sentence.

When dealing with text completions, you should always come up with a word or ____ for the blank, before moving onto the answer choices and reviewing the options.

descriptive phrases.

If you have to choose between a word that does not sound right when placed within the blank, or a word you do not recognize or cannot define, choose the word that ...

you do not recognize or cannot define. Your feelings are probably due to your study prep or what you have observed and read from the past. Trust your experience.

When dealing with any form of text completions, always take note of any extreme words used within the sentence. The use of extreme words will mean that you need to find a word that ...

equals in its level of being extreme.

Often times but not all times, when quotation marks are used in a sentence, it is the author's way of using ...

sarcasm. Ex:The quotation marks around the word successful ("successful") indicate that the author does not think Farminghouse is actually a successful novelist.