POLS 111 Module X: The Federal Government and Other States

What is the name of powers that are shared between the national and state governments?

Concurrent powers

State powers

Reserved Powers

What determines the number of Electoral College votes each state gets?


How many electoral votes does California currently get in the Electoral College (as of 2010)?


The state with the second highest number of members in the House of Representatives is Texas with


How many members does California have in the House of Representatives?


How many of the California members in the House of Representatives in 2015 were women?


How many members of the House of Representatives from California in 2015 were either Black or Hispanic Americans?


The High-Speed Rail project was approved by Proposition


Who is primarily responsible for bearing the cost of immigration (e.g. providing services, enforcement, health care, education, incarceration, etc.)?

state gov

The top country of origin for California's immigrants according to the 2010 census was


MOST of the water in California is used for what purpose?


There are two main water projects that supply large parts of California with water. Try to find out what these two large projects are called and enter the name of ONE of them below.

central valley project

In 1922, California entered into a multi-state agreement that entitled the state to ____ percent of the lower basin of the Colorado River every year.


How many states total signed the Colorado River Compact?