Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Ch. 1-4

Describe the setting for this novel. Where? When?

Mississippi, 1933

Who is the narrator for this novel?

Cassie Logan

What is important about the Logans' land?

The Logans are the only African Americans who own their own land.

What bad thing happened to the men in the Berry family?

The men in the Berry family were burned by white people.

What does "Miz" Logan do for a living?

Miz Logan teaches at an all black school

Who is Cassie's older brother and describe him.

The brother is Stacy. Stacy is very smart. His best friend is T.J.

Who is Cassie's younger brother and describe him.

The brother is Little man. Little man's real name is Clayton Chester. He is six years old. He likes to stay clean and neat.

Why wouldn't Cassie and her little brother accept their textbooks?

There books were reserved for black students, and they were al marked up and dirty.

What did mama do to "fix" the books?

Mama took brown paper and covered the insides of the book.

What did Cassie realize about her mother when she did not punish her for refusing to accept her textbook as it was?

Cassie realized her mother agreed with her.

What were Big Mama and her family doing out in the fields?

BIg Mama and her family were working in the cotton fields.

What is the name of the man Papa brought home with home?

Papa brought home L.T. Morrison

What kind of work does Papa do when he leaves the farm?

Papa works on the rail road

Why did Papa's friend get fired from his job?

Mr.Morrison got in a fight with white guys.

Why did Papa forbid the Logan children from going to the Wallace store after school?

Papa did not want them to go there because of the people who were there and drinking.

What did Mama give Cassie and her brothers to shield the from the rain?

Mama made them wear dried stiff calf skin to protect them from the rain.

Why did Cassie and her brothers need to look and listen for the Jefferson Davis School bus on their way to and from school?

The bus driver likes to entertain his passengers by splashing the black kids.

What Did the Logan children do with the shovels and buckets they got from the tool shed?

The Logan Children used the shovels and buckets to dig a huge hole for the bus to go in.

What happened to the school bus that afternoon?

The school bus landed in their hole trap.

What message did Mrs. Avery bring to Mrs.logan and Big Ma?

Mr.Avery warned them that whites were riding again.

Who is the author of Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

Mildred D. Taylor

Why was Little Man becoming more frustrated and angry?

The Jefferson Davis school bus (white kids) drove by fast and splashed muddy water on them every day (ON PURPOSE)

What did Big Ma explain to Little Man?

Don't worry about the ignorant white folk, study hard, get a good education and he will be fine,

What did Stacey promise Little Man?

The school bus would not splash them and run them in the gully again, "at least not for a long while.

What happened to the "white" kids on the bus?

They all fell in the muddy waters and had to walk home soaking wet, they were going to have to walk to school until the bus was fixed.

How did mama, Big Ma react to the "accident" the bus had?

They all laughed and said "they were glad it happened.

How did Christopher-John, Little Man, Stacey, and Cassie react to the bus accident?

SWEET REVENGE, they couldn't stop laughing about what happened and how well their plan worked.

Why did brother Avery come to the house late a night?

To warn the family "they ridin tonight

What does "they ridin tonight mean

The white men are out lookin for the people they think are responsible for the school bus

What did Cassie see when she was outside?

2 cars drove up to her house, looked around and left

Who did Cassie see on the side of the house with a shot gun?

Mr. Morrison


main character and is 9 years old


oldest in the family in seventh grade and his teacher is his mama

Little Man

7 years old very particular about his clothes not getting dirty and is the youngest in the family

Mrs. Logan (mama)

Stacey's teacher and Cassies' and the boys' mama

Wallace Store

A bad store that Papa doesn't want the Logan children to go to.

John Henry Berry

Died in the burnings

Mr. Logan (David)

Works on the railroad and is Cassie and her brothers' father

Big Ma (grandmother)

Mrs. Logans' mother, works on the field tending cotton like a 20 year old


By the end of which month does the rain come?

Calf skins

What are the Logan children supposed to wear to keep the rain off from them?


What type of car does Mr. Granger drive?


What color is Mr. Granger's car?

Tool shed

In Chapter 3, after the children get covered in mud because of the Jefferson Davis bus, where does Stacey want to meet?

Mr. Grimes

What is the name of the Jefferson Davis bus driver?

2 weeks.

After the bus gets stuck, how long does the driver think the children will have to walk to school?


What is the name of the Logan's dog?

Why did Stacey hit T.J.

Stacey was angry because T.J. put cheat card on Stacey's desk.

Why did Mama take the Logan children with her to visit the Berry's?

Mama wanted them to know how bad the Berry's were treated by the Wallace's

Where did Mrs.Logan encourage her neighbors to shop in order to boycott the Wallace's.

Mrs.Logan wanted them to shop in Vicksburg.