
In the book Crenshaw, who is the author ?

...Katherine Applegate

In the book Crenshaw, what does Jackson want to be when he grows up?

a scientist
page 8

In the book Crenshaw, what kind of fact does Jackson like?

Animal facts
pg. 8

In the book Crenshaw, what is the name of the dog walking service that Jackson and Marisol made up?

See Spot Walk
pg 8

In the book Crenshaw, what does Jaclson do in Pre-K?

march around telling everybody he was mayor of the earth
pg. 9

In the book Crenshaw, what type of crackers does Robin like?

pg. 14

In the book Crenshaw, what did Robin say that Jackson into," stop teasing me,?

Shlp tchzzzn muh
pg. 16

In the book Crenshaw, what grade did Jackson first see Crenshaw?

pg. 21

In the book Crenshaw, what was the first question Crenshaw asked when he saw Jackson?

do you have any purple jelly beans?
pg. 22

In the book Crenshaw, who is Jackson's dad name after?

His grandpa
pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, who is Jackson's mom named after?

Her aunt
pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, what is Jackson named after?

a guitar
pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, what is Robin, Jackson's sister, named after?

a guitar
pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, what is Jackson's middle name?

pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, what is Robin's middle name?

pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, who was Orson?

Jackson's dad's uncle
pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, who was Marybelle?

Jackson's Mom's great grandmother
pg. 26

In the book Crenshaw, what is Robin's favorite book?

The House on East 88th Street
pg. 34

In the book Crenshaw, what and why is there a red spot on Robin's carpet in her room?

she was practicing her T-Ball swoosh when she got a little carried away
pg. 34

In the book Crenshaw, what is Jackson's favorite book?

A Hole to Dig
pg. 36

In the book Crenshaw, what disease does Jackson's dad have?

Multiple Sclerosis
pg. 40

In the book Crenshaw, what rode does Jackson's family live on?

quiet Moon
pg. 46

In the book Crenshaw, what state does Jackson's family live in?

pg. 157

In the book Crenshaw, how come Jackson likes living in California?

they give out a lot of free samples
pg. 158

In the book Crenshaw, what is Jackson's dad imaginary friend's name?

pg 221

In the book Crenshaw, when he first noticed the surfboarding cat, what did the cat's t-shirt say?

Cats Rule, Dogs Drool

In the book Crenshaw, when he first noticed the surfboarding cat, what was he holding in his hand?

a closed umbrella

In the book Crenshaw, what grade is Jackson going into?

fifth grade

In the book Crenshaw, what are Jackson's favorite kind of facts?

nature facts

In the book Crenshaw, why did Jackson's dad have to quit the construction business?

He got multiple sclerosis (MS).

In the book Crenshaw, what was Jackson's favorite book as a kid?

A Hole Is to Dig

In the book Crenshaw, what was the name of Jackson's neighborhood?

Swanlake Village

In the book Crenshaw, who was Jackson's dog named after?

Aretha Franklin

In the book Crenshaw, what was Robin's favorite book?

The House on East 88th Street

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson tell Crenshaw that was the reason they had a dog instead of a cat?

His parents are allergic.

In the book Crenshaw, when Crenshaw was in Jackson's room, Jackson tried to distract him with something he saw on the window sill. What was it?

a frog

In the book Crenshaw, What kind of night light did Jackson's sister have?

a rainbow nightlight

In the book Crenshaw, what kind of music did Jackson's parents like to listen to?

the blues

In the book Crenshaw, what happened only four days after they started living in their van?

Jackson's mom's purse got stolen

In the book Crenshaw, what did the umbrella look like that Crenshaw was holding?

red and yellow with mice on it

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson do to try to get Crenshaw to go away?

close his eyes and count to ten

In the book Crenshaw, what does Jackson want to be when he grows up?

an animal scientist

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson do when he was little and his parents took him to see the Easter bunny?

yanked off his paw

In the book Crenshaw, what color were the jellybeans that Jackson found?


In the book Crenshaw, what was Crenshaw doing the very first time Jackson saw him at the end of first grade?


In the book Crenshaw, what was Jackson named after?

his dad's guitar

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson's mom want them to put in the grocery bags she gave them?

their keepsakes (things they didn't want sold at the garage sale)

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson's mom do when she lost her job?

She was a music teacher.

In the book Crenshaw, what was the name of Jackson's neighborhood?

Swanlake Village

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson overhear his parents talking about when he woke up to use the bathroom?

places to go if they couldn't pay the rent

In the book Crenshaw, how old was Jackson when he invented Crenshaw?


In the book Crenshaw, who else seemed to be able to see Crenshaw?

Aretha (Jackson's dog)

In the book Crenshaw, what kind of towel did Crenshaw use when he got out of the bath tub?

Hello Kitty towel

In the book Crenshaw, how did they get a dent in the fender of the van?

Jackson's dad backed into a shopping cart at Costco.

In the book Crenshaw, what did the bumper sticker say on the back of their van?

I brake for dinosaurs.

In the book Crenshaw, what kind of car did Jackson's family live in when they became homeless?

Honda minivan

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson's dad like to say they were doing instead of saying they were homeless?

They were car camping.

In the book Crenshaw, when they were homeless, where would Jackson's family often go to wash up and use the bathroom?

the library

In the book Crenshaw, what did Robin say she wanted to be when she grew up?

a librarian

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson's mom say when the police officer asked for their address?

She said they were between addresses.

In the book Crenshaw, when Jackson's dad made a sign, what did Jackson's dad like to call it instead of "begging"?

a request for gratuities

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson's dad write on the sign he made?

Thank You

In the book Crenshaw, what did the sign say that Jackson made for his dad?

I'd rather be fishing.

In the book Crenshaw, how long did Jackson's family live in their minivan?

14 weeks

In the book Crenshaw, what does Jackson think about most when he thinks about the time they were homeless?

Crenshaw riding on top of their minivan

In the book Crenshaw, when did Crenshaw finally disappear - the FIRST time Jackson knew him?

when he met Marisol

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson and Marisol have in common when they first met?

They both had Tyrannosaurus backpacks.

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson put in his pocket at the pet store?

a dog cookie shaped like a cat

In the book Crenshaw, who was Marisol's imaginary friend when she was little?

a girl named Whoops

In the book Crenshaw, why did Jackson want Ms. Leach for fifth grade?

Everyone said she liked to explode stuff for science experiments.

In the book Crenshaw, who did Jackson's dad sell the TV to?

Marisol's dad

In the book Crenshaw, how did Jackson's dad say there were going to watch the game?

at Best Buy

In the book Crenshaw, what did Jackson see on one of the TV's at Best Buy?

Crenshaw with the announcers

In the book Crenshaw, what kind of imaginary friend did Jackson's dad have?

a dog

In the book Crenshaw, what was the name of Jackson's dad's imaginary friend?


In the book Crenshaw, when Jackson thought about leaving, where was he going to go?

to live with Marisol

In the book Crenshaw, in the book Jackson read about invisible friends, when did they say they often appear?

in times of stress