Level C Unit 11 Definitions

appease 2

(v.) to make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to yield to

belated 2

(adj.) late, tardy

calamitous 2

(adj.) causing great misfortune

cite 0

(v.) to quote; to mention; to summon to appear in court; to commend, recommend

conventional 2

(adj.) in line with accepted ideas or standards; trite

decoy (v.) 2, (n.) 1

(v.) to lure into a trap; (n.) a person or thing used to lure into a trap

delve 0

(v.) to dig; to search deeply and thoroughly into

ensue 2

(v.) to follow in order, come immediately after and as a result

gallantry 1

(n.) heroic courage; respect and courtesy; an act or statement marked by a high level of courtesy

impart 2

(v.) to make known, tell; to give, pass something on

judicious 2

(adj.) using or showing good judgment, wise, sensible

mediate (v.) 1, (adj.) 1

(v.) to bring about an agreement between persons or groups, act as a go-between; (adj.) occupying a middle position; indirect, acting through an intermediary

milieu 2

(n.) the setting, surroundings, environment

outlandish 2

(adj.) strange, freakish, weird, foreign-looking; out-of-the-way, geographically remote; exceeding reasonable limits

overbearing 3

(adj.) domineering, haughty, bullying; overpowering, predominant

pert 0

(adj.) high-spirited; lively; bold, saucy; jaunty

quirk 0

(n.) a peculiar way of acting; a sudden twist or turn

regale 2

(v.) to feast, entertain agreeably

shiftless 1

(adj.) lazy, lacking in ambition and energy; inefficient

taint 0

(n.) a stain or spot; a mark of corruption or dishonor; (v.) to stain or contaminate