Systems 2 Drugs

Drugs for chronic exacerbation of bronchitis (3)

� Amoxicillin
� A tetracycline ( - cycline)
� A macrolide ( - mycin)

Examples of tetracyline antibiotics

Tetracyline, doxycycline

Example of macrolide antibiotic

- mycin
� Azithromycin
� Clarithromycin
� Erythromycin

Treatment for low severity CAP

Single course antibiotic for 4 days: Penicillin, macrolide, tetracyline

Treatment for moderate/severe CAP

Dual therpay anitbiotics 7 days
Penicillin, macrolide, tetracyclin

Treatment for HAP if late diagnosis/antibiotics given recently


Short acting Beta-2 Adrenoceptor agonists used to treat asthma

� Salbutamol
� Terbutaline

Long acting Beta-2 Adrenoceptor agonists used to treat asthma

� Formoterol
� Salmeterol

Non -selective Beta-adrenoceptor agonists

� Isoprenaline
� Adrenaline

Example of Xanthine drugs used to treat asthma

� Theophylline
� Aminophylline

Which drug has a very narrow therapeutic window and is metabolised by P450 enzymes in the liver?


Muscarinic antagonist drugs used to treat asthma

- Ipatropium bromide (Atrovent)

Examples 2 cystienyl leukotriene antagonists


3 inhaled glucocorticoids used to treat asthma

� Fluticasone
� BDP -
Beclometasone Diproprionate
� Budesonide

Oral systemic glucocorticoid uses to treat asthma (2)

- Prendisone
- Prendisolone

IV glucocorticoids used to treat asthma


Examples drugs used to treat COPD

Tiotropium - no effect on inflammation

3 clinically used tussitives

- Codeine
- Morphine
Dextromethorpan/ pholcodine

Local anaesthetics used to prevent cough reflex during surgery

- Tetracaine
- Lidocaine
- Benzocaine

2 examples of expectorants

� Iodides
� Guafenesin

Example short acting decongestant and mechanism of action

-Oxymetazoline hydrochloride

Example long acting decongestant mechanism of action

- Pseudoepinephrine

Receptors in the chemical trigger zone

D-2 and 5-HT4

Receptors in the vestibular nuclei (emetic drugs)

M-ACh and H-1

Receptors in the nucleus of solitary tract (emetic drugs)

M-ACh and H-1

Give 3 examples D-2 Receptor antagonists used as anti-emetics

� Metachlopromide
� Acepromazine
� Chlorpromazine

3 examples of 5-HT receptor antagonists used as an anti-emetic

� Odansteron
� Naboline (actually cananbanoid receptor agonist)
� Cisapride

Corticosteroid used as an anti-emetic


3 Histamine receptor antagonists used to as an anti-emetic

� Promethazine
� Cyclizine
� Diphenhydramine

Anti-muscarinic used as an anti-emetic

� Hyoscine

Give example 2 clinically used emetic drugs

� Ipecachuana
� Apomorphine