Social Studies- Chapter 3


A place where something is found

Mountain Range

A large group of mountains


The largest land areas on Earth


is a model of the planet Earth


Half of the globe


An imaginary line that is halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole


A picture that shows the location of things


(or Country) is an area of land with its own people and laws


Is a line on a map that shows where a state or nation ends

Cardinal Directions

North, South, East, and West

How many continents does Earth have?

7 continents

What are the names of Earth's continents?

Africa, Asia, Australia, Antartica, Europe, North America, South America

How many oceans does Earth have?

4 oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic)

A good way to describe the location of a place is by saying what?

What body of water or kind of land it is near.

What are two ways to divide a globe in half?

Cutting it along the equator and between the North and South Pole.

The leader of the United States is...


The leader of the United States is...


A city in which government leaders meet and work is?

Capital City

A small community that is close to a city is?


What kind of area is in the countryside, away from cities and large towns?

Rural area

A city needs more ______ and _____ than a smaller community because there are more people who live there.

Schools and businesses

Where do the leaders of our countries government meet?

Washington, D.C.

A suburb is often ______ than towns in rural areas.


What is a pioneer?

A person who helps settle a new land.

What is an ancestor?

Someone in a person's family who lived long ago.

What is a founder?

Someone who started a settlement.

What is a settlement?

A new community

Time line

a drawing that shows when and in what order events took place


Time order, moving from left to right


The story of what happened in a place.