1020 Classical Mythology Final

The got married on Olympus, Hera arranged it, and they invited all the Olympian gods except Eris

The wedding of Peleus and Thetis

Goddess of discord that threw a golden apple that was inscribed, "For the Fairest


To Create Chaos

To Throw The Apple of Discord

Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena ask Paris (after Zeus threw the apple to Earth) to pick the fairest of them, just starting the Trojan war after he picks Aphrodite and she gives him the already married Helen of Troy

Judgement of Paris

Daughter of Zeus and Leda, sister of Clytemnestra, Pollux, and Castor, wife of Menelaus, lover of Paris, the most beautiful woman alive
Her abduction begins the Trojan war because the other kingdoms promised to protect her marriage to Menelaus, whom she c


King of Sparta, brother of Agamemnon, and husband of Helen, he helped lead the Greeks in the Trojan War.


King of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, husband of Clytemnestra, father of Iphigenia
Leader of the Greek forces against the Trojan army sacrificed his daughter


Daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon who was sacrificed at Aulis, the main reason Clytemnestra killed her husband


King of Argos
Acted as a substitute for Achilles, kills Pandarus, almost kills Aeneas, fights Aphrodite and Ares and wins, has a truce with Glaucus whose grandfather is Bellerophon so now there is inherited xenia and they can't fight each other, did a cou


King of Pylos, who later tell Telemachus the story of Agamemnon's death


Son of Telamon, the second greatest fighter for the Greeks, fought Odysseus for Achilles' armor and lost, then killed himself

Ajax the Greater

Son of Oileus, raped Cassandra in Athena's temple, and drowned after being shipwrecked and struck by lightning.

Ajax the Lesser

Son of Thetis and Peleus, greatest Greek warrior, husband of Briseis whom Agamemnon steals, the only vulnerable place is his heel because that's where his mom held him when she dumped him in the River Styx, a prophecy said that he would die in the Trojan


A weak point

Achilles' heel

The tendon connecting calf muscles to the heel.

Achilles Tendon

The soldiers under Achilles' command, hailing from Achilles' homeland, Phthia.


An obedient and unquestioning follower


Squire of Achilles, who dies for him and is later avenged


Or Ulixes, Son of Laertes and Anticleia, husband of Penelope and father of Telemachus, king of Ithaca. Came up with the idea of the Trojan horse, had a long journey back to his wife and son


Hera, Athena, Poseidon

Gods on the Greek side

King of Troy and father of Priam


King of Troy, father of Hector, Paris, and Cassandra husband of Hecuba killed by Neoptolemus


Queen of Troy, wife of Priam, and mother of Hector, Paris, and Cassandra


Wife of Hector, mother of Astyanax, foreshadows the rest of her life


Son of Hector and Andromache, throw over city walls by Neoptolemus


or Alexander, Prince of Troy, exposed as a child, raised by shepherds, started the Trojan War by taking Helen and then going back to Troy as Prince


A Trojan nobleman, the son of Aphrodite, and a mighty warrior, destined to start a new nation


Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis

Gods on the Trojan side

An epic poem

Long Narrative

a type of short story handed down through generations that is believed to be true by many people but cannot be proven

Traditional Legend

A demigod, someone with lots of recognition and war spoils


A style specific to an author

Dignified Style

A prayer or address made to the one of the nine muses where the poet asks for the inspiration, skill, knowledge, or appropriate mood to create a poem worthy of the subject-matter.

Invocation of Muse

Gods intervening in human affairs

Divine Intervention

In the middle of things

In medias res

A comparison of using "like" or "as


Lists of participants on each side, ships, sacrifices, etc.


an extended and elaborate description of a work of art, a building, or a natural setting


Values strength, courage, and loyalty in warriors; hospitality, generosity, and political skill in kings; needing outside validation

Heroic code

Fame and Praise

Time and kudos

Praise for an achievement


War prizes, spoils, booty


To work very hard

Work like a Trojan

Great Achievements


Daughter of Chryses, a priest of Apollo, concubine of Agamemnon before he father asked for her back, then told Apollo who sent a plague and made Agamemnon give her back


A war prize of Achilles.
After Agamemnon is forced to return Chryseis to her father, he appropriates Briseis as compensation, sparking Achilles' great rage.


Play up to another's desires and weaknesses


To withdraw from action or quit a game because you feel you have been treated unfairly

Sulk like Achilles in his tent

The priest that told Agamemnon that he angered Artemis and that she required a human sacrifice


A catalog of 100,000 troops, fresh invocation of Muses, and a pep talk from Odysseus

Book 2 of the Iliad

The duel between Paris and Menelaus, Helen and Priam watch from the walls of Troy, the Teichoscopia, where she tells him who all the prominent Greeks are, Paris is rescued by Aphrodite and put him in bed which Hector scolds him for.

Book 3 of the Iliad

The Trojan who broke the truce set aside for Paris and Menelaus' fight by shooting Menelaus with an arrow


The Aristeia of Diomedes, here Diomedes is a sub for Achilles and he kills Pandarus and almost kills Aeneas (but that's not destiny), Aphrodite saves him and then Diomedes attacks Aphrodite who is protected by Ares but Diomedes beats them both and they bl

Book 5 of the Iliad

Diomedes extents a truce to Glaucus (grandson of Bellerophontes) because their grandfathers gave each other xenia

Book 6 of the Iliad

The Embassy to Achilles: Agamemnon regrets taking Achilles' stuff and alienating him so he sends Odysseus, Phoenix, and Ajax the greater to talk to him. Odysseus begs him to come back and Achilles rejects the geras. Phoenix tells him Meleager's boar story

Book 9 of the Iliad

The Doloneia: After reporting back to Agamemnon, Odysseus and Diomedes volunteer to spy on Troy and they run into Dolon a Trojan, sent to do the same, Dolon tells him everything that he knows and they capture him

Book 10 of the Iliad

The Patrocliea: Patroclus stands in for Achilles and borrows his armor then kills Sarpedon (son of Zeus), and against the warning of Achilles Patroclus attempts to scale the wall of Troy and Hector is roused by Apollo who kills Patroclus. The dying Patroc

Book 16 of the Iliad

Achilles almost kills himself of the death of Patroclus and takes an oath of revenge (Hector), Thetis gets Hephaestus to make a new armor for Achilles, the shield of which gets ekphrasis, the description of a significant object.

Book 18 of the Iliad

The Theomachy: The aristeia of Achilles, who duels with Aeneas who is rescued by Poseidon

Book 20 of the Iliad

Hector is the only one outside the walls, Priam, Hecuba, (second Teichoscopia) and Hector give speeches
Achilles and Hector run 3 times around Troy, Achilles finally catches and slays Hector and Hector Prophecies that Paris (With the help of Apollo) would

Book 22 of the Iliad

Priam goes to Achilles and begs for the body of his son back, Achilles is respectful but tells him mourning the dead does nothing. He tells him of Niobe who boasted that she was better than Leto for have 7 sons and 7 daughters when she only had one of eac

Book 24 of the Iliad

Queen of the Amazons, killed by Achilles

Queen Penthesilea

He and Odysseus were fighting over who should get Achilles' armor and Athena picked Odysseus so Ajax fell on his son, even though Odysseus ended up giving the armor to Achilles' son

Suicide of Ajax the Greater

Owner of the bow of Hercules, which was prophesied to be the thing that takes down Troy, he also had a really bad foot healed as soon as he stepped on Troy's soil


Stolen by Odysseus and Diomedes before the Greeks went in to sack Troy, Diomedes got blood on it


a large hollow wooden figure of a horse (filled with Greek soldiers) left by the Greeks outside Troy during the Trojan War, thought of by Odysseus

The Trojan Horse

Something that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful

Trojan Horse

Son of Priam, priest of Apollo, he opposed dragging the Trojan Horse into Troy, and drove a spear into it. These actions offended Juno, who sent two serpents to kill Laocoon and his two sons
Possible commerated in the Ophiuchus


A greek who claimed that the Greeks were going to sacrifice hi, but escaped and begged the Trojans for mercy, he tells the Trojans that taking the horse in will bring them divine favor


Or Neoptolemus, son of Achilles who killed a son of Priam, Priam himself, throw Astyanax over the walls of Troy, and sacrifices Polyxena, a daughter of Priam, as a concubine to Achilles


Wife of Aeneas that died as they were leaving Troy and told them to leave her


Or Iulus said to be the ancestor of Julius Caesar


German Archaeologist 1822-1890, Discovered Troy in Turkey, he ravaged the site so that he could prove it was Troy, he also found Mycenae in 1876.

Heinrich Schliemann



Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides
It tells the story of Agamemnon coming home and everything that follows

The Oresteia Trilogy

Introduction of inherited guilt. Tantalus fed Pelops to the gods and is now being eternally punished. Pelops cheated to get Hippodamia either because of a fast horse from Poseidon or because Hippodamia put wax bolts on her father's chariot. Niobe was a ch

Tantalus, Pelops, Hippodamia

Sons of Pelops and Hippodamia, Thyestes seduced Atreus' wife and Atreus killed his sons, then (as prophesied by an oracle) and had a son (Aegisthus) with his daughter to ruin Arteus' son's life

Atreus and Thyestes

Victims of Clytemnestra (and/or Aegisthus) after coming back to Mycenae

Agamemnon and Cassandra

a person who continually predicts misfortune but often is not believed; a daughter of Priam cursed by Apollo for not returning his love; he left her with the gift of prophecy but made it so no one would believe her, the concubine of Agamemnon


Lovers and in laws who got together and killed Agamemnon and Cassandra

Clytemnestra and Aegisthus

A ruthless, cruel, vicious woman


Son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra who eventually avenged his father's murder by killing Aegisthus and Clytemnestra


Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra who told her brother what happened with their mother and incited him to avenge their father


Conflict during phallic stage in which girls supposedly love their fathers romantically and want to eliminate their mothers as rivals

Electra complex

After the trial of Orestes, Athena votes to acquit Orestes and renames the Furies the Eumenides

Furies to Eumenides

The doubt and debate over the identity of Homer, the authorship of the Iliad and Odyssey, and their historicity

Homeric Question

The adventures of Odysseus during his journey back after Trojan War

Homer's Odyssey

Wife of Odysseus, Mother of Telemachus, who patiently waited for her husband to return


waiting an immensely long time for something

Patience of Penelope

Odysseus and Penelope's son, who denounces the suitors and helps his father get revenge


The man Athena disguised herself as to walk Telemachus around to see the other men from the Trojan war


A wise and trusted guide and advisor

A mentor

Men who live in Odysseus house trying to force Penelope to pick one for marriage
Antinous and Eurymachus being the most boisterous


Books 1-4 of the Odyssey where we are introduced to characters, Telemachus denounces the suitors and goes on a trip with Athena (disguised as Mentor) to search for Odysseus and to hear the homecoming stories of all the other heros from the Trojan war


The Old Man of the Sea who can shapeshift, and whom Menelaus fought as he was sunbathing with seals


A long, adventurous journey


Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or eases pain


Readily changing form or character


The beautiful nymph who falls in love with Odysseus when he lands on her island-home of Ogygia. Calypso holds him prisoner there for seven years until Hermes, the messenger god tells her that Zeus said let him go


The white sea goddess. She gave Odysseus a veil to help him get safely to the island of the Phaiacians.


People of King Alcineous and Queen Arete, Odysseus is telling his story to them, he is also offered the hand of the Princess Nausicaa, they are like real life Utopia


people living on the southwestern coast of Thrace who battled Odysseus and his men on their journey


people who feed Odysseus's men lotus plants to make them forget Ithaca and stay where they are


An indolent person; a daydreamer

A Lotus-Eater

Polyphemus, son of Poseidon
He eats 6 of Odysseus men
Odysseus create a false identity (Me tis=No one, or Metis=cunning), got the cyclops drunk and stabbed his eye
His men hid under Polyphemus' sheep then stolen
Odysseus reveals his identity and is cursed


The king of the winds the gives Odysseus and his men a bag of winds (not west) for their travels home. The men get greedy and jealous and after they almost get to Ithaca, they open the bag and get pushed back to Aeolus, but he won't help a second time so


A legendary clan of giant cannibals where Odysseus lost 11/12 of his ships


The beautiful witch-goddess who transforms Odysseus's crew into swine when he lands on her island. Eurylochus stayed outside and told Odysseus. With Hermes' help, and some moly, Odysseus resist Circe's powers and then becomes her lover, living in luxury a


Dangerously bewitching


Odysseus' katabasis where he sees Elpenor who requests a proper burial after he drunkenly fell off a roof, Tiresias who drinks from the special pit and gives the same prophecy the Cyclops said, "can't get away from Poseidon, don't touch the cows, or be st


Creatures whose songs lure sailors to their deaths, Odysseus tied himself to pole to hear them


Between two equal dangers; avoiding one means getting closer to the other that Odysseus and his men nearly survived

Scylla and Charybdis

The same as being stuck and a hard place

Stuck between Scylla and Charybdis

A swineherd, an old and loyal servant to Odysseus that was happy to welcome to him


The brother of Melantho. Melanthius is a treacherous and opportunistic goatherd who supports the suitors, especially Eurymachus, and abuses the beggar who appears in Odysseus's palace, not realizing that the man is Odysseus himself.


Odysseus' faithful dog that waited


the old nurse of Odysseus and Telemachus, attendant of Penelope who recognizes Odysseus from his scar


Younger beggar who comes in and challenges Odysseus to a boxing match. He is beaten with one punch.


cowherd loyal to Odysseus


Odysseus's aging father, who resides on a farm in Ithaca. In despair and physical decline, Laertes regains his spirit when Odysseus returns and eventually kills Antinous's father.
