Straighterline Organizational Behavior Midterm

In four-drive theory, the drive ______ is most closely associated with the need for relative status and recognition?

to acquire

The distributive justice rule applies the concept of:


One way to increase employee motivation by improving the P-to-O expectancies is to:

measure employee performance accurately.

A decision maker's need to justify their decision tends to cause:

escalation of commitment.

According to the MARS model of individual behavior, which of the following is NOT a role perception problem?

The employee lacks the proper tools to perform the job.

Intellectual capital refers to:

Intellectual capital refers to:

According to the perceptual process model, what happens immediately after environmental stimuli are received by our senses?

We filter the information through the selective attention process.

Feedback affects behavior and job performance by improving which of the following?

All of the above

Workforce diversity:

All of the above

People tend to have high ______ when their personality includes optimism, confidence, and a positive emotional state.


The most frequently mentioned structural rule that influences procedural justice is:


Stress is best described as:

an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person's wellbeing.

Which of the following does NOT represent a belief that anchors organizational behavior?

OB should view organizations as closed systems.

In the field of organizational behavior, organizations are best described as:

groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose.

Which of the following is NOT explicitly identified as a component of self-leadership?

task identity

Job status-based rewards:

do all of the above

Normal Technologies Corp. (NTC) offers superb fitness facilities, flexible work hours, a gourmet restaurant with company-subsidized meals and a workplace with security systems for high physical safety. According to Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, the

reduce job dissatisfaction among NTC's employees but will not motivate them to perform their jobs.

Emotional labor refers to:

the effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.

Which of the following is a potential problem when evaluating and choosing alternatives in decision making?

All of these statements are potential problems

What effect does resilience have on work-related stress?

Employees with high resilience pull through a stressful experience more quickly.

Which of the following has a curvilinear relationship with team cohesiveness, that is, the strongest cohesiveness is neither at very high or very low levels of this factor?

Difficult entry to the team

Which of the following explains what happens when supervisors develop a high-expectancy self-fulfilling prophecy of a new employee's job performance?

None of the above

Which of these statements about workplace violence is FALSE?

The likelihood of experiencing workplace violence is higher in the United States than in Canada.

In terms of team size, the general rule is that teams:

should have the fewest number of people possible to perform the work.

According to the fundamental attribution error:

we tend to believe the behavior of other people is caused more by their motivation and ability than by factors beyond their control.

Learning influences which of these elements of the MARS model of individual behavior?

All of the above

The difference between emotions and attitudes is comparable to the difference between:

experiencing something versus judging something.

Which of the following statements about teams and groups is FALSE?

Some teams exist without any goal or purpose.

Team cohesiveness can be strengthened in each of the following ways EXCEPT:

letting anyone become a team member.

Emotional dissonance is:

a significant cause of stress and job burnout.

Which of the following statements about emotions is FALSE?

We continuously experience an emotion for days or weeks at a time

ABC Corp. pays its employees a fixed salary in a paycheck received every Friday afternoon. This is an example of which reinforcement schedule?

Fixed interval

Jung's psychological types are measured in:

the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

Which of these statements is TRUE?

Some groups are just people assembled together in the same physical area.

Empowerment does which of the following?

Empowerment increases autonomy

Most employees in the social services department of a provincial government have frequent interaction with people who are unemployed or face personal problems. Which of the following personality characteristics is best suited to employees working in these

High agreeableness.

Which of the following statements about mental imagery is FALSE?

Mental imagery is one of the critical psychological states in the job characteristics model.

Which of the following tends to be a work-nonwork stressor?

All of these conditions tend to be a work-nonwork stressors.

Which of the following is considered a counterproductive work behavior?

All of the above

Which of the following is the first step in self-fulfilling prophecy?

Supervisor forms an incorrect impression of the employee.

An organization's absorptive capacity refers to:

its level of current knowledge so it can bring in new knowledge from the environment.

Organizational citizenship refers to:

employee behaviors that extend beyond normal job duties.

Need for achievement, the ability to synthesize ideas, and risk-taking are characteristics of:

people who tend to be more creative.

Organizations can improve creativity by:

encouraging employees to share information.

Organizational behavior experts have concluded that:

there is a moderate statistical relationship between job performance and job satisfaction.

A committee of employees developed a process whereby they would choose a new office-cleaning firm from the six companies that tendered proposals for the contract. The process involved carefully assessing each firm on the four factors that were most import


Which of the following refers to goal-directed activities under the individual's control that support organizational objectives?

task performance

Stakeholders include:

all of the above

Voice and the right to appeal are two important practices that influence:

perceptions of procedural justice.

Self-awareness is the _________ level of _________.

lowest, emotional intelligence.