Organizational Behavior - Ch. 11 - Teams: Characteristics and Diversity

5 general team types and their defining characteristics

1. Work teams - produce goods or provide services. High member involvement. Long life span and high member involvement. Ex. Maintenance team, production team
2. Management team - Integrate activities of subunits across business functions. Long life span a

Variations within teams

1. Virtual teams-Teams in which the members are geographically dispersed, and interdependent activity occurs through electronic communication.
2. Self-managed team

Stages of team development

1. Forming - understand boundaries in teh team.
2. Storming - Conflict
3. Norming - Determine roles, expectations. Norm of behavior.
4. Performing - Progress towards the goal.
5. Adjourn - End

What are the three general types of team interdependence?

1. Task interdependence - degree to which team members interact with and rely on the other team members for information, materials, and resources.
2. Goal interdependence - Team members are linked by goals. High degree exists when members have a shared vi

4 primary types of task interdependence

1. Pooled interdependence - Lowest degree of required interdependence. Complete assignments independently and then work is "piled up" to make the outcome.
2. Sequential interdependence - Different tasks are done in a prescribed order and members specializ

What factors are involved in team composition?

Team effectiveness depends on this.
1. Roles
2. Ability
3. Personality
4. Diversity
5. Team Size

Various member roles.

1. Team task roles - Behaviors that directly facilitate the accomplishment of team tasks.
2. Team building roles - Behaviors that influence the quality of the team's social climate.
3. Individualistic roles - Reflect behaviors that benefit the individual

Leader-staff teams

Leader makes the decision for the team and provides direction and control over members who perform the tasks.

Team task roles

1. Initiator-contributor - Proposes new ideas.
2. Coordinator - Tries to coordinate activities.
3. Orienter - Determines the direction.
4. Devil's advocate - Offers challenges
5. Energizer - Motivates the team to do better
6. Procedural-technician - Perfo

Team-building roles

1. Encourager - Praises contributions.
2. Harmonizer - Mediates.
3. Compromiser - Attempts to find the halfway point to end conflict.
4. Gatekeeper-expediter - Encourages particpation.
5. Standard setter - Express goals for the team to achieve.
6. Followe

Individualistic roles

1. Aggressor - Deflates teammates, expresses disapproval with hostility.
2. Blocker - Acts stubbornly resistant and disagrees beyond reason.
3. Recognition seeker - Brags and calls attention to himself
4. Self-confessor - Discloses personal opinions inapp

Member abilities

1. Disjunctive tasks - team member with the highest, most relevant ability will have the most influence
2. Conjunctive tasks - Tasks performance depends on the "weakest link"
3. Additive tasks - Abilities "add up

What are the types of team diversity and how do they influence team functioning?

1. Surface-level diversity - diminish with time. Observable attributes: race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc.
2. Deep-level diversity - Increase over time. Attributes that are less easy to initially observe. Been shown to have positive effects on team creativit

How do team characteristics influence team effectiveness?

Task interdependence has a moderate-positive relationship with team performance and a weak relationship with team commitment.

How can team compensation be used to manage team effectiveness?

Outcome interdependence has important effects on teams, which can be managed with compensation practices that take team performance into account.

What is the difference between a group and a team?

A team consists of two or more people who work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose.
A group is just a collection of two or more people.

Punctuated equillibrium

(Time) Forming and Pattern Creation >> Inertia>>(Midpoint) Change >>> (Time) Process Revision >> Inertia At the initial team meeting, members make assumptions and establish a pattern of behavior that lasts for the first half of its life. That pattern of b

3 ways to distribute outcomes in a group situation

1. Equal outcomes - Ex. everyone gets a $1000 bonus
2. Individual performance - Ex. Evaluation and pay raise
3. Based on percentage of salary - % of salary

3 personality characteristics that may be particularly important in a team

1. Agreeableness - more cooperative and trusting tendencies
2. Conscientiousness - more dependable and work hard
3. Extroverted - perform more effectively in interpersonal contexts. Generally more positive and optimistic.

Two perspectives on diversity

1. Value in diversity problem-solving approach - diversity is beneficial because it provides for a larger pool of knowledge and perspectives which a team can draw as it carries out its work. Surface-level diversity: strong
2. Similarity-attraction approac

How does team size affect team success?

Having a greater number of members is beneficial for management and project teams but not for teams engaged in production tasks.

List and discuss the 5 stages of group development

1. Forming - members orient themselves by trying to understand their boundaries in the team.
2. Storming - Members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team which can trigger conflict.
3. Norming - Members realize that they need to work t