APES Chapter 9 Vocabulary House


A permeable layer of rock and sediment that contains groundwater

Unconfined Aquifers

An aquifer made of porous rock covered by soil, which water can easily flow into and out of

Confined Aquifers

An aquifer surrounded by a layer of impermeable rock or clay that impedes water flow

Water Table

The uppermost level at which the water in a given area fully saturates rock or soil

Groundwater Recharge

A process by which water percolates through the soil and works its way into an aquifer


A natural source of water formed when water from an aquifer percolates up to the ground surface

Artesian Wells

A well created by drilling a hole into a confined aquifer

Cone of Depression

An area from which the groundwater has been rapidly withdrawn

Saltwater Intrusion

An infiltration of salt water in an area where groundwater pressure has been reduced from extensive drilling of wells


The land adjacent to a river

Oligotrophic Waters

A lake with a low level of productivity as a result of low amounts of nutrients in the water

Mesotrophic Waters

A lake with a moderate level of productivity

Eutrophic Waters

A lake with a high level of productivity

Impermeable Surfaces

Pavement or buildings that do not allow water penetration


An enlarged bank built up on each side of a river to prevent flooding


A structure built to prevent ocean waters from flooding adjacent land


A barrier that runs across a river or stream to control the flow of water


A body of water created by blocking the natural flow of a waterway

Fish Ladders

A stair-like structure that allows migrating fish to get around a dam


A canal or ditch used to carry water from one location to another


The process of removing the salt from salt water

Hydroponic Agriculture

The cultivation of plants in greenhouse conditions by immersing roots in a nutrient-rich solution

Gray Water

Wastewater from baths, showers, bathrooms, and washing machines