APES Ch. 3

a particular location on Earth distinguished by its particular mix of interacting biotic and abiotic components.


Biotic and abiotic components provide the boundaries that distinguish one ecosystem from another. Some ecosystems have very clear boundaries, others do not. (subjective)

Ecosystem boundaries (2)

use photosynthesis


CO?+H?O+sun energy?C?H??O?(glucose)+O?


unlocks the chemical energy stored in organisms: the opposite of photosynthesis.

cellular respiration

consume other organisms for energy



primary consumer

carnivore, eats primary consumer

secondary consumer

carnivore, eats secondary consumer

tertiary consumer

successive levels of organisms consuming one another

trophic levels

carnivores that consume already dead animals


specialize in breaking down dead tissues and waste products into smaller particles. Do not return nutrients to soil. (step 1)


fungi and bacteria the complete the breakdown process by recycling the nutrients from dead tissues and wastes back to the ecosystem. (step 2)


total amount of energy that the producers in an ecosystem capture via photosynthesis in a given amount of time.

gross primary productivity (GPP)

NPP=GPP-respiration by producers, allows us to compare the productivity of different ecosystems or measure changes in one ecosystem

net primary productivity (NPP) (2)

the total mass of all living matter in a specific area, can be used to measure the energy in an ecosystem.

biomass (2)

the amount of biomass present in an ecosystem at a particular time (amount, not rate.)

standing crop


How is the rate of biomass production measured?

the proportion of consumed energy that can be passed from one trophic level to another.

ecological efficiency


What is an average ecological efficiency?

the population size of the various species within each trophic level.

What does the flow of energy between trophic levels help to determine?

the region of our planet where life resides. formed by a combination of all ecosystems on earth. 12 mi thick shell.

biosphere (3)

energy flows through, matter cycles within

Difference between energy and matter with relation to biosphere

the movement of natter within and between ecosystems

biogeochemical cycles

the components that contain matter


processes that move matter between pools


it helps us to understand how ecosystems function and the ways in which human activities can alter these processes.

why is it important to understand the sources of elements and how they flow between biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems?

evaporation/transpiration, condensation, precipitation

steps of hydrologic cycle (3)

plants release water from their leaves during photosynthesis


combination of evaporation and transpiration, scientists use this to measure water moving through an ecosystem


photosynthesis, respiration, exchange, sedimentation and burial, extraction, comblustion

steps of Carbon cycle (6)

nitrogen fixation, assimilation, ammonification, nitrification, denitrification

steps of nitrogen cycle


nitrogen fixation

producers assimilate fixed nitrogen into tissues


fungus and bacteria use nitrogen-containing wastes and dead bodies as a food source and excrete ammonium. (NH??)


bacteria convert NH???NO???NO??


bacteria convert NO???N?O?N?


can limit an environment's biodiversity

Excess Nitrogen

weathering, runoff, excretion and decomposition, precipitation, geological uplift

Phosphorus Cycle steps

contributes phosphates to the land.


runoff from fertilizer goes to streams, becomes part of soil, or is absorbed by plants


release phosphates on land or in water

excretion and decomposition

dissolved phosphates precipitate from solution and contributes to ocean sediments. slowly become phosphate rocks.

precipitation (phosphate cycle)

geologic forces slowly lift phosphate rocks from the ocean to form mountains.

geologic uplift

caused by excess phosphorus, raises biomass significantly. when algae dies, the decomposition uses a lot of oxygen resulting in hypoxic conditions. fish die.

algal bloom

fertilizer, household detergents

sources of excess phosphorus (2)

dissolve in water. not present as gas but travel through air as dust. from rocks, decomposed vegetation.

Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium (4)

attracted to soil. limestone, marble

Ca�? and Mg�?

leached into water, leads to potassium-deficient soil


in rocks, released over time. component in protein, allows organisms to use oxygen.

sulfur (2)

plants absorb through roots


released from volcanoes, burning of fossil fuels, mining metals


acid rain


an event caused by physical, chemical, or biological agents that results in changes in population size or community composition, can be natural or anthropogenic


all the land in a given landscape that drains into a particular stream, lake, or wetland


a measure of how much a disturbance can affect the flow of energy and matter


the rate at which a system returns to its original state, can depend on interactions between biogeochemical and hydrologic cycle.


ecosystems experiencing intermediate levels of disturbance are more diverse than those experience high or low levels of disturbance

the intermediate disturbance hypothesis

species can be used as a tool to accomplish a goal

instrumental value

has worth independent of any benefit it may provide to humans/moral obligation

intrinsic value

goods humans can use directly


regulate environmental conditions

regulating services

provide support systems that would be very costly for humans to generate

support systems

depends on species diversity


cultural/aesthetic benefits, intellectual gain

cultural services