APES Chapter 6: Population and Community Ecology


The simplest level is the ___________, a single organism.

species, area, time

A population is composed of al individuals that belong to the same ________ and live in a given _________ at a particular _______.

populations, area

A community incorporates all the ___________ within a given _______.


Communities exist within an ________, which is all the biotic and biotic components in a particular location.


The largest and most complex system environmental scientists study is the __________.

density-independent factors

factors that have the same effect on an individual's probability of survival and the amount of reproduction at any population size

sex ratio

the ratio of males to females

density-dependent factors

factors that influence an individual's probability of survival and reproduction in a manner that depends on the size of the population

population ecology

the study of factors that cause populations to increase or decrease

carrying capacity (K)

the limit of how many individuals in a population the food supply can sustain

age structure

a description of how many individuals fit into particular age categories

population distribution

a description of how individuals are distributed with respect to one another

limiting resource

a resource that a population cannot live without and occurs in quantities lower than the population would require to increase in size

population density

the number of individuals per unit area (or volume) at a given time

population size

the number of individuals within a defined area at a given time


TYPE "ok" OR "what": The levels of complexity from individual to biosphere are: individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere


TYPE "ok" OR "what": Basic population characteristics include size, density, sex ratio, and age structure


TYPE "ok" OR "what": The three types of population distributions are random, uniform, and clumped


TYPE "ok" OR "what": Density-dependent and density-independent factors can influence population size


TYPE "ok" OR "what": The different growth models used to explain changes in population size are exponential and logistic


TYPE "ok" OR "what": Some populations experience cycles of overshoots and die-offs that oscillate around the carrying capacity


TYPE "ok" OR "what": Predators play an important role in limiting population growth


TYPE "ok" OR "what": The two reproductive strategies an organism has are classified as K-selected or R-selected

exponential growth model

a growth rate that estimates a population's future size after a period of time, based on the intrinsic growth rate and the number of reproducing individuals currently in the population


strips of natural habitat that connect separated populations


groups of spatially distinct populations that are connected by occasional movements of individuals between them

growth rate

the number of offspring an individual can produce in a given time period, minus the deaths of the individual or any of its offspring during the same period


a rapid decline in a population due to death

R-selected species

species that have a high intrinsic growth rate, which often leads to population overshoots and die-offs

J-shaped curve

the curve of the exponential growth model when graphed

S-shaped curve

the shape of the logistic growth model when graphed

K-selected species

species with low intrinsic growth rates that cause the population to increase slowly until it reaches carrying capacity

intrinsic growth rate

the maximum potential for growth of a population under ideal conditions with unlimited resources

survivorship curves

graphs that represent the distinct patterns of species survival as a function of age

logistic growth model

a growth model that describes a population whose growth is initially exponential, but slows as the population approaches the carrying capacity of the environment


when a population becomes larger that the environment's carrying capacity


TYPE "ok" OR "what": Species interact together in four ways--completion, predation, mutualism, and commensalism


TYPE "ok" OR "what": Sometimes the loss of one species can have a major effect on the entire community

keystone species

species that are far more important in their community than their relative abundance might suggest


the use of one species as a resource by another species


keystone species that create or maintain habitat for other species

community ecology

the study of interactions between species


predators that live in or on the organism that it consumes

resource partitioning

a situation in which two species divide a resource, based on differences in their behavior or morphology


an interaction between species that increases the chances of survival or reproduction for both species


the struggle of individuals to obtain a limiting resource

predator-mediated competition

competition in which a predator is instrumental in reducing the abundance of a superior competitor, allowing inferior competitors to persist

competitive exclusion principle

the principle stating that two species competing for the same limiting resource cannot coexist


predators that consume plants as prey


a relationship between species in which one species benefits and the other species is neither harmed nor helped


illness-causing bacterium, virus, or parasite

true predators

predators that typically kill their prey and consume most of what they kill.


organisms that lay eggs inside other organisms


TYPE "ok" OR "what": As communities change over time, they undergo either primary or secondary succession.

primary succession

ecological succession occurring on surfaces that are initially devoid of soil

secondary succession

the succession of plant life that occurs in areas that have been disturbed but have not lost their soil

ecological succession

the replacement of one group of species by another group of species over time

pioneer species

a species that can colonize new areas rapidly


TYPE "ok" OR "what": Latitude, time, habitat size, and distance from other communities help determine the number and types of species present in a biome

habitat size, distance

The theory of island biogeography states the importance of both ________ ________ and ____________ in determining species richness