APES rotation 6 vocab

marginal cost

additional cost of producing one more unit of a good or service

marginal benefit

increase in the benefit provided to a buyer when a seller produces one more unit of a product or service

discount rate

estimate of a resource's future economic value compared to its present value

aesthetic value

value based on putting a monetary value on a pat of nature because of its beauty

option value

value based on the willingness of people to pay to protect some forms of natural capital for sue by future generations

existence value

value based on know that it exists even though we may never see them or use them

cost-benefit analysis

widely used tool for making economic decisions about how to control pollution and manage resources. this is done by comparing estimated costs and benefits for actions such as implementing a pollution control regulation, building a dam on a river, or prese

green taxes

help include many of the harmful environmental costs of production and consumption in the market prices


the amount of a good producers are willing to make at a given price


the amount of a good buyers are willing to buy at a given price

market equilibrium

the point where supply and demand are equal


when the supply exceeds the demand, resulting in a price decrease; more out there than people want to buy


when the demand exceeds the supply, result in a price increase; people want more than are available

neoclassical economist

view natural resources as important but not indispensable because of our ability to find substitutes; continuing economic growth is necessary to provide profits and jobs and is essentially unlimited

ecological economist

there are no substitutes for many vital natural resources; conventional economic growth eventually will become unsustainable because it can deplete or degrade many of the natural resources they depend on; redesign our economic and political system to enco

environmental economist

generally agree with ecological economist; encourage more environmentally sustainable economic development by reforming current economic systems rather than redesign


where supply and demand meet

opportunity cost

cost in terms of foregoing alternatives

internal cost

direct cost paid by the producer and the buyer of an economic good

external cost

harmful social effect of producing and using an economic good that is not included in the market price of the good

user pays

costumer pay to use services; honest environmental accounting

full cost pricing

cost of a good when its internal costs and its estimated short and long term external costs are included in its market price

cap and trade

sets limit on total emissions of a pollutant and allow countries to buy and sell pollution permits

tradable environmental permits

sets a limit on total emissions of a pollutant or use of a resources the nit issues or auctions permits that distribute the total among manufacturers or users

service-flow economy

a manufacturers makes more money if its product uses the minimum amount of materials